Grand Canyon Preventing Plagiarism & Plagiarism Spectrum Discussion

User Generated



Grand Canyon University


Please view the "Preventing Plagiarism Tutorial" and "The Plagiarism Spectrum" outlining the most common types of plagiarism.

Once you have viewed the resources:

  1. Discuss one thing you learned form the tutorial
  2. Discuss and describe one type of plagiarism from the web site.

Preventing Plagiarism Tutorial:

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Explanation & Answer

Completed work attached

Running head: PLAGIARISM





According to what I have learned from the tutorial, plagiarism is the act of using one’s
ideas, thoughts or information minus his or her consent or acknowledging the originality of the
information, for academic purposes (GCU Academics, 2015). Hence, it is advisable for one to
always be original in his or her work or proceed with the citation of the source of the information
used. Further to this, in the tutorial by GCU Academics, (2015), it warned that failure to cite the
source of the information may lead legal pursuits and academic disqualifications.
One of the examples of the plagiarism described in the tutorial is the direct or verbatim
type of plagiarism (GCU Academics, 2015). In this type of pl...

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