An effective presentation includes a summary of the main points in the presentation slides, but the presenter adds additional content to unpack each point on the slides.

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HUMN 100 6383 Introduction to Humanities

Alabama A & M University


Overview: An effective presentation includes a summary of the main points in the presentation slides, but the presenter adds additional content to unpack each point on the slides. This is where speaker notes are particularly useful. Some presenters have the capability of memorizing the details and being cued by the outline in the presentation, or even speaking off the cuff. However, for the purposes of this project, you will document your speaker notes to accompany the presentation slides you will develop in Week 8. This step will help you consider the outline of your presentation and the content you will want to include on each slide. Prompt: Your presentation will have accompanying speaker notes to fill in the details you would include in the presentation, but not necessarily include in the presentations slides. Your speaker notes can either be bulleted points for each step of your presentation or more developed paragraphs to help you deliver the presentation. This part is up to you; either way, these notes should contain substantial details to address each of the required parts of your presentation. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed: I. Provide a brief overview of your artifacts, theme, and thesis statement. How are they situated within the domain of the humanities? II. Explain how the theme, as it is expressed in the cultural artifacts, and thesis statement impact the audience. In other words, how is the theme relevant to members of the audience? Why should the audience care about your thesis statement? Support your response with specific examples from your exploration document. III. Describe the evidence from subjective and objective cultural analyses that you have to support your conclusions about the impact of the theme and cultural artifacts on you personally and on your audience. Support your response with specific examples from your exploration document. IV. Explain why the theme and cultural artifacts are important to you personally. In other words, why did you select these artifacts to study? Why did you select your theme, especially if there are other themes that could apply? V. Explain how studying the humanities can give you both a personal and professional advantage. In other words, what is the benefit of studying the humanities? VI. Explain why the humanities are important to society. In other words, what do the humanities tell us about our own culture and experiences? How do the humanities impact us? Support your response with specific examples from your exploration document and your own personal and professional experiences. VII. Communicate your message in a way that is tailored to your specific audience. For instance, you could consider your vocabulary, your audience’s potential current humanities knowledge or lack thereof, and what is specifically important to the audience.

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Artifact: Botticelli's “Primavera”

Thesis statement: Primavera painting is an artefact which depicts a mythological theme
of birth and rebirth. The Renaissance is of humanistic nature and it reflects the virtues
and the growth brought forth by love and marriage....

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