ECON320 SUNY Ch 14 Forest Carbon Storage Valuation Case Study Analysis

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State University of New York at Canton



1. Write your full name on the first page.

2. Write double-spaced summary/comments (three paragraphs typed) on each case study.

3. Each paragraph must contain three sentences and is worth 2 or 3 points.

4. Use Times New Roman, one inch margins, and 12 point font.

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ECON320 – Environmental Economics - Case Studies Analysis # 5 Dr. Edouard Mafoua Case Studies Analysis # 5 (Chapters 14 & 15) (Maximum Points: 25 points; No Plagiarism!) Name _________________________________________ Score________ Instructions: Please write double-spaced summary/comments (three paragraphs typed) on each case study. Each paragraph must contain three sentences and is worth 2 or 3 points. Please use Times New Roman, one inch margins, and 12 point font. A. Case Study # 1 (9 points) Please read and summarize “Forests under Siege” from Chapter 14. B. Case Study # 2 (8 points) Please read and summarize “Forest Carbon Storage Valuation” from Chapter 14. C. Case Study # 3 (8 points) Please read and summarize “The New Oil: Should Private Companies Control our Most Precious Natural Resource?” from Chapter 15. ECON320 – Environmental Economics - Case Studies Analysis # 6 Dr. Edouard Mafoua Case Studies Analysis # 6 (Chapters 16&18) (Maximum Points: 25 points; No Plagiarism!) Name _________________________________________ Score________ Instructions: Please write double-spaced summary/comments (three paragraphs typed) on each case study. Each paragraph must contain three sentences and is worth 2 or 3 points. Please use Times New Roman, one inch margins, and 12 point font. A. Case Study # 1 (8 points) Please read and summarize “Sulfur Dioxide Emissions Trading” from Chapter 16. B. Case Study # 2 (8 points) Please read and summarize “What is the Greenhouse Effect?” from Chapter 18. C. Case Study # 3 (9 points) Please read and summarize “Pacific Islands Disappear as Oceans Rise” from Chapter 18.
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Hello. I am through with the paper, I passed it through grammarly to ensure that grammar is perfect and also turnitin for plagiarism. The paper is good now. However, you can contact me in case you want anything more. pleasure working with you. goodbye


Environmental Economics
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Case 1: Sulphur Dioxide Emissions Trading
A Clean Air Act was passed by the US federal government in 1990. This the passing of
this Act so to it that policies were passed to reduce the rate of Sulphur Dioxide emissions by
plants that use coal for fuel. This was as a result of the acid rain and health problems associated
with the presence of Sulphur Dioxide in the atmosphere.
The sulphur dioxide emissions trading programs allow coal-fueled plans to use coal which
emits sulphur dioxide among other gases into the atmosphere. These plants were allowed to
choose between two technologies, burning coals of low sulphur levels and installing
desulphurization equipment. These two technologies reduce the rate of sulphur dioxide into the
air and also reduces the cost of dealing with the reduction of the stated gas, emissions.
The main disadvantage of sulphur dioxide emissions trading is that people living in the
densely populated region are still affected by emissions, which may be higher than the required
as per the standards, from plants fueled by coal. This is mainly attributed to the fact that utilities
in the densely populated regions face high costs of reducing emission rates as compared to the
sparsely populated areas. This leads to the utilities in densely populated areas to pay utilities in
sparsely populated areas so that...

Really helpful material, saved me a great deal of time.


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