Arizona State University The America We Live In Book Summary Essay

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Arizona State University


All the files needed are on google Drive there is two chapters.

chapter 2 is from 10-37 and chapter 3 is from 38 - 61

Also all work needs to be from the book.

you will find the link in the Word doc

Read the two chapters (chapters 2&3) from the book The America We Live In-A View from 30,000 feet

Part 1: Prepare a brief summary of each of the two chapters covering the following:

a. Select one trend or condition that is covered from each of the two chapters that you have a concern about or an interest in and fully describe the trend or condition

b. Discuss how these two trends or conditions affect you as college graduate entering the workforce and beginning your professional life in America.

c. Discuss what actions you can take to deal with these trends or conditions (taking advantage of the positive ones and minimizing the effect of the negative ones).

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The America We Live In-A View from 30,000 feet clint Vogus

Unformatted Attachment Preview THE AMERICA We LIVE IN A View from 30,000 feet Clint Vogus This book explores the current state of of America in its government, global en vironment, economy, business environ ment, educational system, work, life-style, and values and how Americans are affect ed. With a big picutre; view' of America readers can determine what changes in their own lives can im- prove their current situation and help them live a more produc- tive, fufilling, and secure life. How America, through its major institutions, has drifted away from its core democratic principles, and what needs to change to restore more balance in America is the central focus of this book. All Americas want America to be a country where anyone can achieve the life they want based on their capabilities and willingness to work. This book provides a roadmap for the jour- ney back TRENTAL EXTOR. Property TBBJONESBORO Return By: Jun 29 2019 Tadel Alili - 50405206 VOGO - AMERICA WE LIVE IN TEXTBOOK BROKERS Le rest AR 720
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Explanation & Answer


Running head: BOOK SUMMARY


Book Summary


Book Summary
Chapter 2 Summary

Recently, business regulation in the United States has become complex due to the
overlapping of government functions making the business environment a risky venture. Notably,
the policies increase the production cost for businesses, hence lowering the profit margins. Also,
comprehensive business regulation policies lead to more government expenditure in their
implementation and monitoring (Vogus, 2015). The policies enforced by the federal agencies
affect the employment laws, health and public safety, quality standards, and the working
environment of organizations. Appare...

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