Montclair State University Marriott Corporate Strategy Presentation

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Business Finance

Montclair State University


Research and analysis for the company Marriott. Since the focus of the class is on corporate strategy, study a diversified company and how it diversifies, transitions, innovates its portfolio of business in order to achieve growth and sustain/strengthen its competitive advantage in the future. The cases of unsuccessful corporate strategy must be studied and properly evaluated as well as the success stories. Conduct comprehensive research to get an IN-DEPTH understanding into its corporate strategy.

Attached are the instructions for this powerpoint presentation assignment. Please read.

Slides - Neat summary of messages to be delivered. No small characters. Use Bullet Points, Diagrams, Graphs, etc.

Slide Notes – Deliver only key summary, messages, or takeaways. Should not be lengthy - Ideally maximum half page or less). These are NOT your scripts. Can you put script for slides in a word document? Must be different from slide summaries.

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1) Company Selection - MARRIOTT a) It is public company, thus assuring accessibility to critical financial data and business information. b) The company must be a diversified company, due to this class’s focus on corporate strategy, i.e. managing the multi-business firm. c) Your presentation must provide a corporate strategy case which covers one or more of the main topics discussed in the course. These include strategic alliance, vertical integration, outsourcing, international strategy, innovative strategies. 2) Key Considerations and Suggestions a) Use objective data (e.g., numbers, statistics, etc.) to support your analysis, and try to analyze the numbers to obtain strategic implications for the company under study. b) There may not be a definite right answer to the questions that you have for the company’s corporate strategy. You should instead be able to insist and support your answers and arguments with the analyses and evidence based on strategic thinking framework that you learn in class. c) You should do the analysis. Just dumping the information from the web or other sources without your own analysis, thoughts and research will result in very poor quality of work in this assignment. I strictly prohibit students from using the works of others (e.g., charts, diagram, tables, graphs, images, etc.) without proper modifications/adjustments. You must mark sources for any cited works. d) Presentations need to provide suggestions and recommendations for the future competitiveness of the company. Your recommendations need to be well aligned with the implications and insights resulted from your analysis. 3) Presentation Guideline and PowerPoint slides a) Analysis must be based on textbook contents - chapters 6 through 10. Not all chapter points may be addressable for your case and company. Please cover chapter concepts as appropriate. b) The Presentation should have a very high fact, data and supporting illustrations content. Use these facts, data and illustrations to make and support your points. Use Excel spread sheets or Word tables liberally to present findings & analysis. Don’t just show data without analysis - draw conclusions from your data. c) Complete the “Slide Notes” for all slides. The notes should include: 1) the purpose of the slide, and 2) an explanation of key points or messages that you want to deliver. Each slide note should be shorter than half-page long. Do not copy your presentation scripts in the notes. d) Presentation and slides. It is suggested that the presentation length is about 20 to 25 slides, but there is no hard parameter. You must incorporate agendas and sub-agendas for all sections and include presenter name(s) on respective sub-sections. Each presentation should run no longer than 25 minutes including Q&As. All groups must submit the completed PowerPoint slides to instructor 2 days before the presentation in class. 4) Suggested Evaluation Criteria a) Comprehensive research (40%): whether the analysis shows comprehensive and in-depth research both qualitatively and quantitatively. Please include sources in the slides or slide notes. b) Critical and independent thinking (40%): whether the analysis is sophisticated, insightful, and shows independent and critical thinking. c)Clarity and organization (10%): whether arguments are clearly laid out, logic flows well and structure clear. d) Professionalism (10%): physical demeanor, verbal delivery, visual aids, and time management during presentation.
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Explanation & Answer


Marriott Corporate Strategy
Institutional Affiliation

Company overview

Established in 1927 in Washington DC by the Marriott’s

Marriott International is a leading hotel and lodging service provider

Operates in more than 78 countries

Has more than 4,100 properties

Corporate strategy

Is the overall scope of an organization

Revolves around the various business operations

Defines the overall goals of the company

Defines approaches to realizing the goals

What to be covered in the corporate strategy

The vision and mission statements of the company

The market analytical tools to be used in the development of the

Company resources to be used in the implementation of the strategy

Policies and guidelines for the company operations

Marriott’ s global market share

Hilton has the majority shares with over 7.2% of the total market share

Marriot and her brands is seco...

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