Categorize Classical conditioning Conditioned response (CR) Conditioned stimulus (CS) Context Discriminative stimulus Law of effect Observational learning Operant conditioning Reinforcer Unconditioned response (UR) Unconditioned stimulus (US) Vicarious reinforcement
1) Give an example of Classical Conditioning from your life - USE THE VOCAB!!!
2) Give an example of Operant conditioning from your life - USE THE VOCAB!!
3) When have you learned something by observation? USE THE.. well vocabulary.. get it?
4) What happened in your past learning that influenced you learning in the future?
5) (Links to an external site.)
6) Is this close to the book?The difference between classical and operant conditioning - Peggy Andover (Links to an external site.)
Last - did they get it right? If they did it right Like the post - if the did it wrong - be nice and post what you think is the correct use of the vocabulary.
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Running head: CONDITIONING
Discussion: Conditioning
Institutional Affiliation
Discussion: Conditioning
1. Give an example of Classical Conditioning from your life
Classical conditioning, unlike operand conditioning, is learned behavior that is stimulated by the
organization of conditions that will reinforce a certain new behavior. An example of classical
conditioning in every day is clearly illustrated when children on a line to receive injections for
prevention of a given disease and the moment the children know that others are crying, the rest
will also cry with...