Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Mapping

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Fundamentals of GIS

Morgan State University


Percentage of Owner-Occupied Homes in the State of Maryland per County.

Below is a cheat sheet to assist you in creating the first map. Use the same methodology to create the second Map. HINT: To add the surrounding states for the attached maps, add the states layer to each data frame, and export the following states: Pennsylvania, Delaware, West Virginia, Virginia.


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Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Mapping Assignment: You just started a new job with your company and your employer asked you to create two maps for a PowerPoint presentation she/he is creating regarding race and OwnerOccupied homes in the state of Maryland. You are tasked with creating two maps in GIS which will eventually be saved as jpg’s. I have attached both final maps and you must recreate each map exactly as I created the maps. Map #1: Percentage of African American and White Population per counties in the State of Maryland Map #2: Percentage of Owner-Occupied Homes in the State of Maryland per County. Below is a cheat sheet to assist you in creating the first map. Use the same methodology to create the second Map. HINT: To add the surrounding states for the attached maps, add the states layer to each data frame, and export the following states: Pennsylvania, Delaware, West Virginia, Virginia. Step 1: Creating a folder to work on this project 1. Using your USB Drive create a new folder within your 2018 GIS folder and label the Folder Maryland Counties. 2. Ensure your folder is connected in Arc Catalog Step 2: Finding the Data In order to complete this assignment you will need a shapefile with counties and census data 2010. The ESRI website has a shapefile of United States counties with 2010 census data. Please complete the following exercise 1. Open USA Counties (Generalized) 2. Or search USA Counties, select (generalized) Step 3: Exporting Maryland Counties and Creating a Shapefile Extract Maryland Counties from all U.S. Counties and creating a shapefile with the existing data from the larger dataset. 1. Open the USA Counties attribute table open Go to TABLE OPTIONS > Select by attributes 1| Morgan State University Civil Engineering Program Special Topics in Geographic Information Systems Professor T. Griffin Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Mapping Double click on “STATE_NAME: ….. Click once on the = symbol….. Select GET UNIQUE VALES……double click MARYLAND ….select APPLY….Close the window . 2. At the bottom of the table you will see 24 counties were selected…. 3. Select the Show selected Results Button …This allows you to see only the selected counties which are all Maryland Counties. Close the attribute table 4. Right Click on the USA Counties layer and select DATA>Export Data >Browse> Look In> Map to you GIS Maryland Counties Folder> Double Click Maryland Counties Folder> Under Name: Type Maryland Counties>under save as type: Select SHAPEFILE> Select Save>Select OK. Add layer to the map…Select Yes. 2| Morgan State University Civil Engineering Program Special Topics in Geographic Information Systems Professor T. Griffin Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Mapping 5. Right Click on USA Counties >Remove Step 4. Create a map displaying the Percentage of African Americans and Whites per County Percentage Assignment: Create a map with two data frames. • • The first data frame should be the percentage of 2010 African –American residents per county The second data frame should be the percentage of 2010 White residents per county. Ensure the following is included on the map: 1. 2. 3. 4. 3| All counties are labeled Layout includes north symbol, scale, legend, name, date, course, professor Surrounding States To add a picture to your layout simply save your image in your Maryland folders, (go to insert>Picture Morgan State University Civil Engineering Program Special Topics in Geographic Information Systems Professor T. Griffin Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Mapping Altering your legend. If there is a time you would like to edit any part of the legend here are a few tips you can use: Convert the Legend to Graphics & Ungroup the Legend: This will allow you to change the name of the legend, etc. Select the Legend>Properties>Convert to Graphics. Select the Legend>Properties>Ungroup This now allows you to Rename the Legend, Delete or rename the Maryland, and PercentBla. Once you make all the changes, ensure to select all the graphics and Group the graphics back together 4| Morgan State University Civil Engineering Program Special Topics in Geographic Information Systems Professor T. Griffin Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Mapping Once the Legend is now regrouped, It allows you to change the background, and other styles. 2nd Map Using the same methodology create a map of Maryland Counties displaying percentage of owner occupied homes per county (HINT) use the fields (HSE_UNTS) and (Owner_OCC). The map should be a replica of the maps I created. 5| Morgan State University Civil Engineering Program Special Topics in Geographic Information Systems Professor T. Griffin
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Percentage of owner occupied homes per county




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