- The following task is a project management course related questions, that must be answered with the aid of the study case provided below.
- For your reference, the module follows a PRINCE2 project management standards. (Prince2 resources are available online). And all questions have to be answered with the aid of those standards.
- The report should be around 2000 words, well elaborated and explained.
- Use in text referencing when appropriate or quoted. All referencing should follow Harvard style referencing.
- For extra clarifications and uncertainty, please discuss them with me so we could assure a professional outcome that satisfies both.
- the full length case study will be provided once selected
- only bet your offer if you feel confident enough to draft the report professionally.
- a daily update on the report has to be sent to me to work collaboratively
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Stakeholders and work breakdown
Stakeholders and work breakdown
How customized eBooks are different from a standard printing process
An eBook is simply an online book which can be accessed through computer devices. An
eBook can be published and customized. A customized eBook is a book which is printed
specifically for a professor or a student. It containscustomized illustrations with personalized
message, depending on the needs of a specific person. There is a significant difference between
printing of customized eBooks and the other books. Customized eBooks are complex to come up
with unlike the standard printed book. Each eBook, since it has to be personalized, has different
production steps and contains different contents. EBooks also have different layouts and need
different cover designs. Some eBooks are just made up of articles that only need to be reprinted,
while others require extensive publishing. Thus, the production process requires extra keenness
to avoid any mix up in content in order to produce the desired eBook. On the other hand, a
standard printed group does not require complex production process, since the only work needed
in to put the content message on physical paper.
Customized eBooks need a lot of editing since the outcome must be as the client, for
instance, a professor, requested. Thus, extensive understanding of the concept is required before
publishing of the eBook.The requirements of the eBook have to be carefully documented to
ensure that clear clarification is achieved. EBooks are very demanding since, for instance, they
require to be customized for each professor in each semester unlike other books, which can be
used by different professors throughout many years. Customized eBooks are also demanding in
that the orders may arrive later than the expected time or the workload estimated by the company
may be lower than the actual work. Other times, the professors especially, may make urgent
orders and all these bring so much pressure to the printing company, which is unlike the standard
printing process.
Characteristics that make an eBook a project
Coming up with a customized eBook is a project. Due to their complexity, customized
eBooks call for a budget. Most require diverse desktop publishing and other special equipment.
This requires of the company to have the right appliances for publishing and editing. The
company may lack some of these equipment and this forces it to source the equipment from other
companies.Printing of eBooks require special skills and equipment. Hence...