Need help with history and Miner, Cowboy, or Farmer

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1.  Imagine it is 1880. The Civil War has been over for 15 years. Economic conditions in the town you live in have deteriorated, and you are struggling to make ends meet. You decide to try your luck out west, where there is plenty of land and plenty of opportunity. Before leaving, you must decide what you will do out west—be a miner, a cowboy, or a farmer. Each presents its own opportunities and difficulties.

·  Write an essay in which you:

(a)  Tell what you would be—a miner, cowboy, or farmer.

(b)  Describe the opportunities you would have.

(c)  Describe the difficulties you would face.

(d)  Explain why you chose as you did.

·  Use the rubric on the following page to see how your teacher will score your essay. This graded assignment will be due in Lesson 4: Your Choice.


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History | Graded Assignment | Miner, Cowboy, or Farmer Name: Date: Graded Assignment Miner, Cowboy, or Farmer (Score for Question 1: ___ of 100 points) 1. Imagine it is 1880. The Civil War has been over for 15 years. Economic conditions in the town you live in have deteriorated, and you are struggling to make ends meet. You decide to try your luck out west, where there is plenty of land and plenty of opportunity. Before leaving, you must decide what you will do out west—be a miner, a cowboy, or a farmer. Each presents its own opportunities and difficulties. • Write an essay in which you: (a) Tell what you would be—a miner, cowboy, or farmer. (b) Describe the opportunities you would have. (c) Describe the difficulties you would face. (d) Explain why you chose as you did. • Use the rubric on the following page to see how your teacher will score your essay. This graded assignment will be due in Lesson 4: Your Choice. Essay: Type your essay here. © 2015 K12 Inc. All rights reserved. Copying or distributing without K12’s written consent is prohibited. Page 1 of 2 History | Graded Assignment | Miner, Cowboy, or Farmer Category 1 point 2 points 3 points 4 points 5 points Score Content The essay does not fulfill the assignment. Content is not developed and ideas are confusing. The essay is so inadequate and flawed as to be unacceptable. The essay does not fulfill the assignment. Content is poorly developed and ideas are confusing. The essay fails to address several aspects of the assignment and demonstrates a lack of clear understanding of the concepts and facts. It contains serious flaws. The essay fulfills the assignment, but content is not fully developed and/or ideas are not clear. The essay fails to address all aspects of the assignment and demonstrates a superficial understanding of the concepts and facts. It contains some flaws. The essay fulfills the assignment. Content is developed and ideas are clear. The essay, however, demonstrates a less than thorough understanding of the concepts and facts and contains minor flaws. There is some room for improvement. The essay completely fulfills the assignment. Content is welldeveloped and ideas are original and clear. The essay demonstrates a thorough understanding of the concepts and facts. It is accurate, relevant, and complete. ___  16 = ___ Organization The essay is so disorganized that it is not understandable. The essay lacks clear organization. It is difficult to understand. The essay is somewhat organized but has significant flaws. The essay is wellorganized, with only minor flaws. The essay is clearly and logically organized and easy to understand. ___  2 = ___ Spelling, Punctuation, and Grammar The essay contains 10 or more errors in spelling, punctuation, and/or grammar. The essay contains 7 to 9 errors in spelling, punctuation, and/or grammar. The essay contains 5 to 6 errors in spelling, punctuation, and/or grammar. The essay contains 3 to 4 errors in spelling, punctuation, and/or grammar. The essay contains 2 or fewer errors in spelling, punctuation, and/or grammar. ___  2 = ___ Total score: ____ of 100 points To calculate the final grade for this assignment, add the scores for each rubric topic for a maximum score of 100 points. Notice that you will give greater weight to Content by multiplying the score for that category by 16. The scores for Organization and Spelling, Punctuation, and Grammar are not weighted. © 2015 K12 Inc. All rights reserved. Copying or distributing without K12’s written consent is prohibited. Page 2 of 2
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