Career Academy of Texas SAGE Data Visualisation Summary

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Career Academy of Texas


As you develop and move thorough this course it is important that you are able to reflect on, report and assess your learning throughout your educational journey, using weekly reflection papers. Your reflection journal is due at the end of weeks 2, 4, 6 and 8 during this course. All weekly reflection papers should be a minimum of two full pages of prose (for each chapter), double-spaced, in proper APA formatting using citations when appropriate. Please use Microsoft Word for all writing assignments.

Each Chapter Reading Reflection should address the following prompts:

  • Summarize the content of the chapter addressed.
  • What were some of the highlights in this chapter and learning opportunities?
  • Share some new ideas and/or thoughts that you developed from the reading of the chapter.
  • How do you think you can apply this chapter’s concepts into your home, school, personal-life or work environment?

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Explanation & Answer



Chapter Journals
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Chapter 10: Composition
In visualization, the composition is the last part of the exercise of design. This layer
ensures that the presentation is done in the correct manner. According to the chapter, the
composition is important because it packages the information or data and thus how the data is

presented is dependent on a large extent to how the compassion was done. Thus, the composition
is one of the aspects that come into play and determines how the presentation is perceived by the
viewers (Kirk, 2016).
Composition presentation can be categories into two;

Project composition: these concern presentation in projects that are done on specific
issues. Projects might involve the development process of a product or even a topic
covering issues within the society

Chart composition: charts as a good way of presentation of data. The data presented on
charts can vary from the development of products to analysis of simple items including
statistical data.
There are factors that influence the composition. These factors can affect the way or how

the composition is done. They include;
➢ Format: format of the composition is vital to the perception once a visual presentation is
done. It is, therefore, necessary to understand the type of data in order to choose the
correct format of presentation...

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