Grossmont College Demographic Effects of The Columbian Exchange Questions

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Grossmont College


Select any five questions of your choice and ensure that you answer all parts of the question. Each answer should be at a minimum two- three page and doubled spaced. The average papers for all four-question range between 10-12 pages total.......

for example ; if you select question number one you must answer all parts of question number one ( 2-3 pages for the total sum of question number one ) ... that finishes question number one then you proceed need to select another question with all its parts.......and so forth..... . I encourage you to use the text book as a primary sources and then use the internet to expand your answers......You do not have to cite the sources.......make sure you use all the resources at hand to meet the minimum requirements .. focus on the immediate requirements


  • Compare the voyages of non-European people before 1500 to those of the Portuguese and Spanish from 1400 to 1550.
  • Why were the Spanish able to establish a territorial empire in the New World?
  • Was technological superiority a major factor in the conquest of the Americas?


  • What were the long-term political effects of the Protestant Reformation?
  • Discuss the significance of the Catholic-Reformation and the politics of religion.
  • In what ways did the Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment challenge the intellectual and political status quo in early modern Europe?


  • What were the demographic effects of the Columbian exchange?
  • Compare and explain the reasons for differences or similarities between the European colonies of North and South America.
  • State and justify your position on the role of the Catholic Church in regard to relations with the Amerindian people in either the Spanish or the French American colonies.


  • Describe capitalism and mercantilism and explain their roles in the development of the Atlantic system.
  • What factors led to the development of the African slave trade?
  • What effects did slavery have on economic and social life in Africa?


  • How was the Ottoman Empire administered under Suleiman the Magnificent (1520-1566)?
  • What were the roles of the Portuguese, Oman, and the Dutch in the development of trade in the Indian Ocean and Southeast Asia?
  • What factors led to the decline of the Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal Empires?


  • What did the Russian and Qing Empires have in common, and how did these common features affect the relationship between the two?
  • Discuss the significance of the Opium War and the Opening of China.
  • Both the Qing and the Tokugawa governments were in decline by 1800. What reasons lay behind the decline of each government?


  • Discuss and compare the course of the American, the French, and the Haitian revolutions and analyze the reasons for the significance of the difference outcomes of these three revolutions.
  • What roles did Enlightenment thought and folk cultures play in the making of the eighteenth century revolutions?
  • Was there a relationship between the ways in which the British and French monarchs approached the ideas of the Enlightenment and the outbreak of revolution?


  • Why did the Industrial Revolution begin in Britain rather than in continental Europe or the United States?
  • What exactly is meant by the Industrial Revolution? What were the economic changes that revolutionized manufacturing in the eighteenth century and led to the factory system?
  • How did the technological innovations of the Industrial Revolution change societies in the industrialized countries?


  • What role did liberalism and nationalism play in Latin America (Venezuela, Mexico and Brazil between 1800 and 1850s?
  • How did the task of abolition vary between the different nations of the Western Hemisphere?
  • What factors account for the success of the abolitionist movement?


  • How did Britain secure its hold on India, and what colonial polices led to the beginning of Indian Nationalism?
  • How did British policy in India change as a result of the Sepoy Rebellion?
  • How did imperialism contribute to the growth and globalization of the world economy?

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Explanation & Answer



Modern World History Research Essay
Institutional Affiliation


Modern World History Research Essay
a) Question 1
b) Question 2
c) Question 3
d) Question 4
e) Question 8
f) References



Modern World History Research Essay
Institutional Affiliation




Modern World History Research Essay
Discussion Questions
Question 1
The voyages of non-Europeans before the period 1500 mainly comprised voyages that
took place in close proximities to already explored areas, including waters and seas (Parry,
1966). Most of these areas were particularly close to continental mainland. In this regard, the
voyages by the non-Europeans could be considered as those that had lesser risks and ambitions.
For most of the non-Europeans, this period also marked the coming of intruders into their lands
and regions from unknown places across the world. While voyages by the Europeans were
majorly motivated by several factors, including expanding trade connections and conquering
unexplored areas, those of non-Europeans only sought to expand knowledge of explored regions.
Notably, non-Europeans’ voyages did not attempt to increase their influence in relation to
religious and political spheres, and did not focus on exploring the rest of the world. As such, they
probably knew less of the world than the Europeans. Moreover, they also had several delusions
regarding the world and waters. While they often underestimated the size of the planet, they also
had no practical concept of the size or shape of certain areas, including their own. It is these
misconceptions that provided other explorers the confidence to purse voyages into most of the
non-European regions.
On the other hand, those by the Portuguese and Spanish people took place in areas that
had not been previously explored. For instance, most of their voyages took places in unknown
waters and passages, often taking greater risks through by traversing into opposite direction from
what was commonly understood. To a greater degree, the Spanish and Portuguese wanted to find
new routes that were not conceivable by the time. As for the Portuguese explorers, they



embarked a series of voyages in the early 1400s, especially with the hopes of making many and
novel discoveries. Their explorations to Africa, for instance, provided many physical as well as
psychological barriers. For example, there were several superstitions, including boiling seas as
one neared the equator, which most explored believed could lead them to the Gates of Hell.
Therefore, most of the Portuguese’s earlier voyages explored a few miles of the coastal regions,
slowing down some of the progresses, mostly in relation to areas such as Cape Bojador. During
the 1440s, they also established some, though not sufficient, gold and began to partake in slave
trade that later disrupted majority of the African cultures for years. The death of Price Henry in
1460 slowed down these explorations for almost two decades, but was sparked by the English
and French interests in some of the routes in Africa. With their renewed activities, Portuguese
captains now started taking braver and greater gaits into the coastal regions. On their part, Spain
explorers also led significant outward thrust into the west of the Atlantic waters. Just like their
Portuguese counterparts, the Spanish were mostly motivated by a number of misconceptions. In
most of their explorations, they experienced perfect sailings as well as winds.
The Spanish people were also able to form a territorial empire in the New World due to
three important factors. The first factor was that the lack of Amerindians to form resistance to
diseases that were brought from the eastern parts. The second factor was that they had more
superior technologies in terms of military, including armors, weapons, firearms, as well as
horses, in add...

Great study resource, helped me a lot.


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