Quality management

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Source: Kiran, D.R. (2016).  Total Quality Management: Key Concepts and Case Studies, 1st Edition, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2016.  ISBN-13: 978-0128110355

Part 1

Answer in 250 words..

Every organization has their issues. Of course your organization isn’t any different. Chapter 13 discusses total productive maintenance. Based on our reading and the additional materials that are provided from you to, we can see that this can be a very detailed task to complete. Therefore, for this week examine an organization that you are familiar with and explain how total productive maintenance would be a good method for you to use. Make sure you explain specifically what the issues are or risks and what you would do using TPM to help mitigate or remove these issues or risks respectively. You don’t have to name the organization specifically, especially if it is an existing client but regardless I am looking for details and supporting evidence in your response.

Part 2:

Respond to this comment in 100 words or more: 

 There are eight basic pillars that are thought to be the critical components of a TPM system: 1) Focused improvement, 2) Planned maintenance, 3) Initial control, 4) Education and training, 5) Autonomous maintenance, 6) Quality maintenance, 7) Office TPM, and 8) Safety, Hygiene and Environment.  Based on the current organization that I am employed with, we could definitely utilize the method of total productive maintenance.  Following my hire in late November 2018, I realized a few major improvement items immediately, with one of them being some very serious safety procedures and protocols; however, the most important improvement that I realized needed to be made is the utilization of a total productive maintenance system.  In a paper-manufacturing mill, where the machines are massive with very intricate components needed to work smoothly and in-sync to produce a top-notch quality product, the reliability of the aforementioned machines is critical.  This discovery upon my arrival shocked me, as I observed the equipment  go “up and down” or stop and start continuously.  Not only did the machines not operate continuously, but either the operators had to summon line maintenance mechanics to assess and/or repair issues (large or small), and even then, an extended period of time was spent in the troubleshooting and analysis phase.  This was even prior to repair.  Due to the extent of the unreliability of the equipment, unbudgeted dollars were spent in repair parts and costs due, causing my department to overspend from a maintenance spending standpoint every month.  The issues that would immediately come into play from following this newly-implemented method would be the resistance to change.  The leaders in my department along with the line supervisors and workers have been operating under these chaotic standards for years prior, and this would cause a great deal of grief to drastically change how they would now have to think and operate.  By utilizing this method, managers along with their direct reports would have to plan maintenance tasks to eliminate the surprise repairs and spending along with expend a great deal of energy on focused improvement to improve the reliability of the equipment.

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Running head: DISCUSSION





Part 1
In every organization, there are activities accomplished with the help of machines.
Therefore, every main production relies largely on the machine. Breakdown of a machine leads
to production disruption and far-reaching consequences to the organization’s overall production
(Kiran, 2016). Total productive maintenance (TPM) aims at achieving minimum machine defects
and accidents to perfect daily production. B&B Company mainly specializes in the production of
bakery products and can largely benefit from TPM.
Machines are largely used for food production. Since the products are directly packaged
for consumption, every machine must work efficiently at all times. A major issue that...

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