This discussion is about your sleep - or lack of it!! How much do you sleep each night?

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This discussion is about your sleep - or lack of it!!   How much do you sleep each night?

Without getting to preachy - the most important thing that you do it is 

1) Sleep 7 to 9 hours a night 

2) Eat real food (non processed food)

3) Live an active lifestyle.  

SO lets test you!! 

2) Take this survey and post you r (Links to an external site.) findings  (the survey is about 3/4 of the way down on the page)

3) As you think about a nights sleep - think about this video (Links to an external site.) - how many of you wake up after 4 hours of sleep and then can't go back to sleep??  

3.5) Now Lets  Connect!! TEDxRiverCity - Robert Stickgold - Sleep, Memory and Dreams: Fitting the Pieces Together (Links to an external site.) TEDxRiverCity - Robert Stickgold - Sleep, Memory and Dreams: Fitting the Pieces Together  

_________  Now think about what consciousness really is used for.. 

Please use the following Vocabulary words to explain what they are talking about in the following videos.. 

   Cues   Dissociation   Hallucinogens   Unconscious    Mindfulness   Priming   Consciousness   

4) Anil Seth - and Do we see actual reality?? (Links to an external site.)

5)  (Links to an external site.) Hoffman's View on the same (have some coffee he is boring - but content is amazing!  (Links to an external site.)

6) Is there a reality? Or is it a Construct of our Mind?  (no right or wrong answer on this BTW). 

7)  Go to the Memory Chapter - what about Clive??

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Explanation & Answer


Running head: SLEEP AND MEMORY


Sleep and Memory
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Sleep and Memory

After completing the survey, I have recorded a cumulative score of 10 points. This
represents a Higher Normal Daytime Sleepiness from the interpretation score of Epworth
Sleepiness Scale. Similarly, a personal evaluation of my natural sleeping pattern gives diverse
information on how my typical night sleeping pattern looks like. As sleeping is more of a
program element and the internal body clock system must work in a mode that more likely seems
to syn...

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