Please look at the 2 document I have attached and identify what and how you plan to handle Procurement and Risk for this project in a 1-2 pages EACH. So write 1-2 pages for Procurement and 1-2 for Risk. If possible, please use tables or graphics also to substantiate.
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Running head: XYZ DRUG STORE
XYZ Drug store
Student’s Name:
Institution’s Name:
Before XYZ drugstore can be expanded, it is important to consider some of the factors
that will make the whole process successful. Some of these factors include the procurement
process that will be involved as well as the risks involved as we are going to discuss in this
Project procurement
First, we shall look at what and how to handle the project procurement. In any project,
there are four steps of procurement that must be adhered to and this includes conducting,
controlling, planning and closing.
Project procurement has a certain logical order. In this case initially, you will plan for the
entire project by planning for any requirements including acquisitions and purchases, risk
register, scheduling a...