BUAD326 Morgan State Environmental Sustainability and Economic Theory Question

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Morgan State University


The natural environment poses a problem for economic theory. Even if we accept, for the sake of argument, that the free market serves both employer and employee, buyer and seller, equally, the environment may be harmed by market transactions. The air and water can suffer. Economists calls this the problem of externalities.

  1. Do you think that companies are becoming greener or must the government and consumer movements compel this to happen? Will it happen fast enough to avert climate catastrophe? Or do you think that ‘greening’ is an inappropriate goal? (150 words)
  2. What does sustainable enterprise mean and are there any? (150 words)

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Explanation & Answer

Attached is the complete work. Please feel free to ask for any corrections or clarifications

Surname 1

June 29, 2019

Surname 2
Prompt 1
In my own opinion, I do believe that companies are becoming greener as there have been
significant changes that have been noticed in regard to reduction in waste produced. Companies
have turned to recycling and reusing material in a bid to reduce the wastes produced. In addition
to this, companies have also turned to using bio-degradable material which disintegrates hen...

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