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Ergonomics workstation evaluation
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Ergonomics workstation evaluation
WORKING POSTURES - The Workarea Is Arranged or Designed For Doing PC Tasks So It
Enables Your...
1. No,
Analysis - Picking a appropriate PC and situating it in a suitable position minimize
exposure to overhead glare, awkward postures, and forceful exertions. This
helps prevent possible health effects for example, eye stretch, fatigue, and neck
pain and back agony.
Considering viewing from distance for improvement of our monitor workstation.
Hazards effect- Computers situated very near or very far away distance may
leads you assume awkward body positions that may prompt eye eyestrain. The
possible solution for this effect.
Solutions- Sit at a comfortable distance from the screen where you can without
much of a stretch read all content with your head and torso in an upright
posture and your back supported by your seat and Give satisfactory table space
between the user and the screen.
2. No,
When referring to monitor
Analysis- A chair that is properly-planned and properly balanced is a basic components
of a safe and profitable PC work area. To ensure that the seat will give satisfactory
support, it is significant that you evaluate various seats before obtaining any. To
consider in making a safe and productive workstation the following parts of the chair
are significant component: backrest, armrest, base and seat.
Backrest - The backrest ought to fit in with the natural bend of your back, and give
satisfactory lumbar support.
Seat- The seat ought to be comfortable and enable your feet to lay level on the floor or
Armrest - Armrests, whenever provided, ought to be soft, enable your shoulders to relax
and your elbows to remain nearby to your body.
Base- The seat ought to have a five-leg base with casters that permit simple movement
along the floor.
3. Trunk to be perpendicularly to floor (may lean back into backrest but not forward). Yes
4. Upper arms and Shoulder to be in same position line with the torso, generally about 900
to the ground and relaxed (not stretched or elevated forwards). Yes
Ergonomics workstation evaluation
5. Yes
6. No,
a. When referring to desk.
Analysis- A well-planned and suitably-adjusted work area will give sufficient clearance
to your legs, permit proper positioning of PC components and accessories, and limit
awkward postures and exertions. The installation, setup, and configuration of
comfortable and productive workstations entails the following:
• Work area surface ought to allow you to place the screen straightforwardly
before you, at any rate twenty inches long.
• Avoid storing items, such as a CPU, under desks.
• A variety of working postures should be accommodated by desk.
b. When referring to keyboard
Analysis - Legitimate choice and arrangement of the PC keyboard helps reduce exposure
to awkward postures, reiteration, and contact pressure. when evaluating your PC one
should consider the following factor:
You should put your keyboard directly in front of you.
You should relax your shoulders and elbows near body.
Your wrists ought to be straight and in-accordance with your lower arms.
c. When referring to Pointer/Mouse
Analysis- Pointing gadgets, for example, a mouse currently come in numerous
configurations, size, and shape. In addition to the ordinary mouse, there are
fingertip joysticks, trackballs, touch pad and pucks, to give some examples. Selection
and placement of a pointer/mouse is a significant factor in making a safe PC
workstation. When evaluating your PC work area the following factor should be considered
a. yes
The mouse should be kept closer to the keyboard
You also have alternative hands which you use to operate the pointer/mouse
.You can also use keyboard shortcut to minimize extended use
Ergonomics workstation evaluation
b. When referring to keyboard
Analysis – correct choice and alignment of the PC keyboard helps minimize exposure to
awkward postures, reiteration, and contact pressure. Consider the following factors
when evaluating your computer workstation:
You should put your keyboard directly in front of you.
You should relax your shoulders and your elbows near your body.
Your wrists ought to be straight...