Ergonomics Justification for Implementing an Ergonomics Program

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Justification for Implementing an Ergonomics Program

Evaluate the need for an ergonomics program in the company that you work for, or a company where you would like to work. In your evaluation, cover the following areas:

  1. Identify an occupational assignment and determine the ergonomic hazards of this assignment, i.e. grocery store clerk.
  2. Analyze each hazard to recommend what the appropriate controls are for the hazard.
  3. Argue how the human and workplace factors attribute to the identified ergonomic hazards.
  4. Defend the control measures against the psychology of human behavior as it relates to work place safety and the tired worn out safety cliche's, i.e. "but this is how we have always done it", "it's easier to just do it this way", "it will never happen to me", or my favorite - "that's just common sense".
  5. Justify your evaluation and proposal for implementing an ergonomics program within the company that you have chosen.

Your justification for implementing an ergonomics program, should be at a minimum three pages, not including your cover page and reference page. As always, follow APA formatting for your assignment Ensure you have clear headings guiding me throughout your paper. You should have at a minimum - 5 headings, an introduction and a conclusion. You are required to use at least your module readings as source material for your response. All sources used, including the the module readings, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.

The application of the APA writing style shall be practical, functional, and appropriate to each academic level, with the primary purpose being the documentation (citation) of sources. The Occupational Safety and Environmental Technology Department requires that students use APA style for certain papers and projects. Students should always carefully read and follow assignment directions and review the associated grading rubric when available.

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Explanation & Answer


Implementing an Ergonomics Program: Outline
Thesis statement: Ergonomics allows an organization to understand risks like working in
wrong body postures, reaching overhead and bending as well as pushing and pulling heavy
objects. As such, this essay justifies the implementation of an ergonomics program for
grocery store clerk.
I. Grocery Store Clerk and Ergonomic Hazards
II. Hazard analysis and appropriate Controls
III. Human and Workplace factors
IV. Control Measures in relation to Psychology of Human Conduct
V. Justification of the proposal


Implementing an Ergonomics Program
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation




Implementing an Ergonomics Program
Health constraints that workers face in the workplace affect their ability to be productive
in their job duties. More fundamentally, workers are highly likely to suffer from work-associated
musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) that reduce their movement in the workplace and the
execution of their duties. Therefore, ergonomics in the workplace ensures that employees match
their jobs and perform in an environment and use equipment that does not place a strain on their
bodies and movements. Ergonomics allows an organization to understand risks like working in
wrong body postures, reaching overhead and bending as well as pushing and pulling heavy
objects (NIOSH, 2014). As such, this essay justifies the implementation of an ergonomics
program for a grocery store clerk.
Grocery Store Clerk and Ergonomic Hazards
Exposure to occupational hazards can have adve...

Goes above and beyond expectations!


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