SM 7106 NU Law History & Future Title IX Components Research Paper

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SM 7106

Northcentral University



Part 1 – History and Future of Title IX

Address the following historical and future Title IX components in this section of your assignment:

  1. Your initial thoughts and opinions of Title IX at the commencement of this course.
  2. An introductory history leading to the introduction of the Title IX law.
  3. The underlying philosophy behind the Title IX law.
  4. Implementation issues since Title IX was enacted.
  5. When did Title IX become focused on athletics and what has transpired due to this law?
  6. Pertinent Title IX court cases responsible for changing history.

Part 2 – Personal Philosophy on Title IX

Address the following personal philosophical components concerning Title IX in this section of your assignment:

  1. Discuss your personal philosophy regarding the effectiveness of Title IX resulting in gender equity within organized sports.
  2. Discuss how Title IX could be revised to further improve gender equity within organized sports.

Part 3 – Gender Equity Plan

Address the following components to develop a gender equity plan within an institution of your choice:

  1. Identify an educational level of your school (grade school, high school, college). - (College Level)
  2. Use a hypothetical school or a current school.  Access the Office of Postsecondary Education websiteto find information on your institution of choice. ( - University of South Carolina)
  3. Provide a brief analysis of the current state of gender equity in sports within your institution of choice.
  4. Develop a plan to comply with Title IX.

Explanation & Answer:
12 pages
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Explanation & Answer




A Gender Equity Plan
Institutional Affiliation


A Gender Equity Plan

Part I – Title IX’s History and Future
My feelings and views about Title IX
When this class started, my initial views of Title IX were varied, but most thought that it
is an important law in ensuring equality. I also felt that it has assisted in enabling scores of girls
and women, allowing them to take part in sports that they did not previous, and therefore,
helping in removing the forms of discriminations experienced before the passage of this law
during 1972. Certainly, a large progress has been made since, given that there are many women
participating in different sports in high schools, colleges, as well as universities across the United
States. While most finances allocated to females and males have increased significantly,
scholarship opportunities for both genders have also increased considerably since the
establishment of this law.
However, despite the fact that the collegiate athletics makes a small percentage of the
law, it has received a wide discussion, and therefore, attracting varied arguments from every
quarter of the American society today. In particular, there have been several controversies and
discussions since the implementation of Title IX. It should be noted that the athletic element in
this law only covers such initiatives that take place in schools, including, elementary, primary,
secondary, colleges, as well as universities, which get federal funding. It is also apparent that
majority of the educational institutions across the country have had trouble and hard time
fulfilling the requirements set under this law. These institutions are supposed to not only ensure
equal opportunities and facilities to men and women but also make sure that scholarships and
recruiting finances received are used equally, reflecting the purposes that are intended in Title



Looking back, I will admit that most schools, including mine, have made significant
strides since the earlier days that saw males dominate college athletics. It is also clear that the
impact that this law has had on collegiate sports varies across different institutions, divisions, as
well as departments. While this law allows a great deal of flexibilities, and with some institutions
choosing different ways to comply with it, the law’s vagueness leads to several problems in
ensuring equality and fairness in budgeting. I also think that though several steps have been
initiated since the inception of this law, such steps have particularly seen a staggering progress,
with most women making up the least percentages in collegiate sports compared to men.
Furthermore, considering the differences in financial support, cost of equipment, as well as other
factors, including unprejudiced reasons for the observed differences, it largely appears that while
men and women are increasingly close, they are not proportionally equal in sports. Moreover, as
the number of females playing these sports has also started to grow and stabilize, a number of
negative outcomes have also started to emerge, with male squads witnessing massive cuts. As a
stronger supporter of Title IX, I see these discrepancies resulting from the past and present
inequalities against women athletics and it is a proof that more has to be done for women.
Introductory History Leading to Title IX Law
This law originated from the Executive Order that was issued from President Johnson in
1965. This order forbid most of the government contractors from practicing discrimination in
employing their employees, largely based on race, religion, nationality, as well as color. Three
years later, in 1968, it was later revised to include discriminations based on gender as well as
sex. Soon after revising this order, it was determined that because public schools, colleges, and
universities were partially funded by the federal government, it was necessary that they complied
with the Order. During the year 1970, two years after the Order’s amendment, Harvard



University became the first institution to face comply investigation with the requirements
outlined in the Executive Order. Following this investigation, a number of changes became
initiated. For instance, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was amended in efforts to prevent major
discriminations in school staff recruitments. Other recommendations also included some
changes to Title VI and other important human rights Acts, limiting federal departments from
being biased and prejudicing individuals based on gender as well as sex. These amendments
were further extended into the Equal Pay Act. However, the African Americans, especially most
of the congressio...

I was struggling with this subject, and this helped me a ton!


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