Effective Communication in Crime Investigation Discussion

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Need help with my Law question - I’m studying for my class.

Prepare: According to the 2016 National Association of College and Employers Report, the top five attributes – known as soft skills – employers seek in their new hires include: leadership, collaborative teamwork, effective communication, problem solving/critical thinking, and having a strong work ethic. Soft skills are skills that characterize relationships with other people or how you approach life and work. By developing your soft skills, you are working toward becoming a more intentional learner.

Respond to the following questions:

  • Based on your career goals (crime scene investigator/detective), prioritize the five soft skills in the order that you think will be most critical to your professional success.
  • Describe 2-3 ways each of the soft skills can support you in your profession. For example, you can say, “As a business owner, effective communication will be important because my success will depend on …”
  • Soft skills are not only developed in a career setting but are also developed through personal interactions. Choose one of the five soft skills and explain how you demonstrate the skill outside of the work environment.

Explanation & Answer:
250 words
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Effective communication will be a main soft skill needed in crime investigation. Effective
communication helps to improve relations and increases the confidence of an individual.
Secondly, problem solving and critical thinking skills are also important for making
reasonable decisions....

lbhecebjevgre (12054)
Carnegie Mellon University

Great! 10/10 would recommend using Studypool to help you study.


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