Psychology State of Consciousness Understanding Human Psychology Essay

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Write a paper. You will write about the information that made the most impact on your understanding of human nature or human psychology, or any topic that really interested you.  

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States of Consciousness ! Sleep and Dreams ! Why Do we Sleep? ! " The evolutionary explanation " Giving the neurons a well deserved rest time during the non-REM sleep " Most people nowadays get 7 to 8 hours of sleep which is 3 hours less than what people would get a hundred years ago. " What happens if we don’t sleep enough? Normal Sleep ! "Sleep is divided into non-rapid eye movement (NREM) and rapid eye movement (REM) states "REM Sleep is characterized by vivid dreams, rapid eye movements, and faster brain wave activity "During REM sleep, muscle activity is inhibited (atonia) "NREM is divided into 4 stages The Stages Of Sleep Stage 1 Sleep "The state of transition between wakefulness and sleep characterized by relatively rapid, low amplitude brain wave Stage 2 sleep A deeper sleep than that of stage 1, characterized by a slower, more regular wave pattern, along with momentary interruptions of sleep spindles " Stage 3 sleep Sleep characterized by slow brain waves, with greater peaks and valleys in the wave pattern than in stage 2 sleep " Stage 4 sleep The deepest stage of sleep, during which we are least responsive to outside stimulation " REM Sleep ! " Rapid eye movement (REM) adult’s sleeping ! REM Sleep occupies 20-25% of an time by increased heart rate, ! is characterized blood pressure, and breathing rate; erection; eye movements; and the experience of dreaming Normal Sleep Structure ! "Sleep begins in NREM "Sleep cycles from NREM to REM every 90 minutes 4 to 6 times per night "NREM is 75-80% of sleep ➢ 45-55% is stage 2 ➢ 3-8% stage 3 ➢ 10-15% stage 4 "REM is 20-25% Normal Sleep: Timing of Events ! " deep sleep is concentrated in the first half of the sleep cycle " REM sleep is concentrated in the second half of the sleep cycle. Dream ! " A series of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations occurring involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep The Function and Meaning of Dreaming ! Unconscious wish fulfillment theory (Freud 1900) Proposed that dreams represented unconscious wishes that dreamers desire to see fulfilled ! Latent content refers to the “disguised” meaning of the dream ! Manifest content refers to the actual story line of the dream The Function and Meaning of Dreaming ! "Dreams-for-survival theory Dreams permit information that is critical for our daily survival to be reconsidered and reprocessed during sleep " Activation-synthesis theory The brain produces random electrical energy during REM sleep that stimulates memories lodged in various portions of the brain which are put together to make a logical story line Sleep Disorders ! " Insomnia " Sleep Apnea " Night Terror " Narcolepsy " Sleeptalking and sleepwalking Insomnia ! " Condition of difficulty sleeping, some people simply unable to fall asleep easily or they go to sleep readily but wake up frequently during the night Cause of Insomnia ! " Medical problems (muscle spasms, nocturia, etc.) " Psychiatric/psychological " Substance-induced " Circadian disturbance " Inadequate sleep hygiene Sleep Apnea ! " A condition in which a person has difficulty breathing while sleeping , person is constantly reawakened when the lack of oxygen becomes great enough to trigger a waking response Night Terrors ! " Sudden awakenings from non-REM sleep (usually in stage 4) that are accompanied by extreme fear, panic and strong physiological arousal. You can go back to sleep fairly quickly. " Occurs most frequently in children of age 3 to 8, although adult may suffer from them as well. Narcolepsy ! " Uncontrollable sleeping that occurs for short periods while a person is awake, No mater what the activity is person goes directly form wakefulness to REM sleep, skipping the other stages ! Sleeptalkers and Sleepwalkers ! " These two sleep disturbances have vague consciousness of the world around them and they are usually harmless which occur in stage 4 sleep more common in children than adults. Circadian Rhythms ! "CRs are biological processes that occur regularly on approx. 24 hr. cycle. "Sleeping, waking, body temperature, hormone production, and blood pressure follow circadian rhythms. Circadian Rhythms ! " The brain’s suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) controls Circadian rhythms. Circadian Rhythms ! " Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) " Jet lag " Feeling drowsy in early afternoon (even without lunch). Circadian Rhythms: Life Cycles (not on the test) ! Hypnosis ! Hypnosis Originated by Franz Mesmer in the 18th century, it is described as being a trance-like state of heightened susceptibility to the suggestions of others -When hypnotized, people don’t lose all their will -about 5 to 20 percent of the people cannot be hypnotized and about 15% are easily hypnotized. -Easily hypnotized people are not any more gullible that most of us. In fact, they show a high ability to concentrate and become completely absorbed in what they are doing. Applications of Hypnosis ! Controlling pain Reducing smoking (not effective with alcohol addictions) Treating psychological disorders (phobias) Assisting law enforcement Improving athletic performance ! Sleeping Better ! " Exercise during the day " Choose a regular bedtime and stick to it " Don't use your bed as an all-purpose area " Avoid drinks with caffeine after lunch " Drink a glass of warm milk at bedtime " Avoid sleeping pills " Don’t force yourself to sleep used "Commonly ! Psychoactive drugs !Nicotine !Alcohol Stimulants: Drug Highs ! Stimulants affect the central nervous system by causing a rise in heart rate, blood pressure, and muscular tension ! Caffeine: increases attentiveness, decreases reaction time and improves mood. ! Too much coffee=nervousness, insomnia ! Can build up a biological dependence ! It takes about four hours for a typical human adult to metabolize half the caffeine in their blood (a half-life of four hours). (just a side tidbit, won’t be on the test) ! " Pregnant mothers in their last trimester metabolize caffeine slowly (half-life up to 15 hours). Newborn infants do not have much active enzyme; the half life of caffeine is about 80 hours. Pregnant or nursing mothers should be careful of caffeine being passed to their infant. Smoking and Nicotine ! ! Nicotine: Nicotine is unique in comparison to most drugs, as its profile changes from stimulant to sedative/pain killer in increasing dosages and use ! Nictotine increases dopamine levels. ! Research shows that by increasing the levels of dopamine within the reward circuits in the brain, nicotine acts as a chemical with intense addictive qualities. Figure 12.5 Where there’s smoke . . . : The physiological effects of nicotine Myers: Psychology in Everyday Life, Second Edition Copyright © 2012 by Worth Publishers Cocaine ! " Cocaine: Specifically, it is a dopamine reuptake inhibitor, a noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor and a serotonin reuptake inhibitor " Long term use rewires and alters the brain and causing mental and physical deterioration. An overdose can lead to death. Figure 12.6 Cocaine euphoria and crash Myers: Psychology in Everyday Life, Second Edition Copyright © 2012 by Worth Publishers ! Depressants: Drug Lows ! Depressants impede the nervous system by causing neurons to fire more slowly !Alcohol - Gender and ethnic variations - Most people claim it initially increases their sense of sociability and well being, release of tension, feelings of happiness, loss of inhibitions. Figure 12.4 Alcohol dependence shrinks the brain Myers: Psychology in Everyday Life, Second Edition Copyright © 2012 by Worth Publishers Narcotics: Relieving Pain and Anxiety ! Narcotics increase relaxation and relieve pain and anxiety ! Heroin ! Morphine " Both are derived from the poppy seed pod Hallucinogens: Psychedelic Drugs ! Hallucinogens are capable of producing hallucinations, or changes in the perceptual process. They affect Seretonin receptors. In addition, MDMA induces the release of norepinephrine and dopamine.) Hallucinogens: Psychedelic Drugs ! !Cannabis (Marijuana) " Active ingredient is tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) " Effects vary from person to person " Usually feeling euphoria and general well being " More vivid sensory experiences " Growing sense of self importance " Hallucinogens: Psychedelic Drugs ! " MDMA (ECSTASY) ! Reports of a sense of peacefulness and calm ! Increased empathy ! Feeling relaxed Hallucinogens: Psychedelic Drugs ! !Lysergic acid diethylamide, LSD: The effects of LSD are unpredictable. They depend on the amount taken; the user's personality, mood, and expectations; and the surroundings in which the drug is used. " Perceptual distortions " Vivid hallucinations " Reported increase in understanding of the world. ! " A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor's book. ~Irish Proverb
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State of Consciousness

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State of Consciousness
Understanding Human Psychology
State of consciousness is one of the topics which made me have a better understanding of
human psychology. This topic focuses much on sleep, where it describes various stages of sleep
and what happens in every stage. For instance, the first stage of sleep is all about transitioning
from the state of awakening to sleep. A deeper sleep then follows this stage up to the fourth
stage of deepest sleep. This concept made me understand the reason why human beings tend to

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