University of Colorado at Boulder Sustainability and complexity of China Paper

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University of Colorado at Boulder


about 250 words using two of these sources listed below citing (author,page,year) after the use.

As Mansfield (2009) and other critical geographers contend, the idea of sustainability is anything by singular. When we hear individuals or programs talking about "sustainability," we should immediately ask "sustainability of what, for whom, to what ends, and with what costs?"

After reading Mansfield's (2009) brief chapter on sustainability -- which should familiarize you with several critical approaches to framing the concept -- write your own critical comment reflecting on China, sustainability, complexity, and considerations for the coming years. I have provided you with several contemporary news stories that should spur your reflection on the complexities of China's social, political and environmental legacies moving forward. Feel free, as well, to draw from earlier topics or readings in your response.

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China Sustainability
Student’s Name:
University of Colorado at Boulder



China Sustainability

The world is moving towards integration of sustainability in both physical and economic
development projects. Indeed, sustainability is a key consideration in the approval o...

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