Critical Reasoning Portfolio Project Paper

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I had chose to do my Portfolio project on the high cost of education and attached my word document below. Please feel free to change any of the information and organize it as you see fit. I have already turned in the word document and received  an 80%. Like I said this professor is pretty tough and grades really hard. Needs to be completed by 6th July / 7pm.

Options #1 and #2: Revised Topic and Outline 

HUM 101 requires a Final Portfolio  Project. This project will focus on an issue (social, professional, or  personal) that you wish to investigate critically.

Please read the full Portfolio Project description and grading rubric, which you can access in Module 8.
This is the second milestone assignment that counts toward the completion of the Portfolio Project.

In this Portfolio Milestone, you will submit your revised topic and a first outline of your Final Portfolio. 



Module 8

Option #1: Critical Thinking Paper on Issue or Problem 

Select an issue or problem that you wish to investigate critically. Formulate a question or thesis (Links to an external site.) on the issue so that your research has a clear and cogent direction.

Use Paul and Elder’s (2012) intellectual standards to find a topic or problem that is clear, relevant, significant, and precise.

Now, write a paper that addresses the problem or issue via scholarly sources.
Your paper should include the following:

  1. Title page: include your name, date, title of essay, and class
  2. Introduction: provide a two-paragraph introduction (Links to an external site.) that frames the issue or problem carefully
  3. Engagement with issue or problem using scholarly sources and the intellectual standards proposed by Paul and Elder (2012): What  is the issue? Why is it significant? Why is this issue relevant to you  (and/or your community)? What have you learned about the depth and  breadth of the issue or problem from scholarly sources? How do the  scholarly sources aid you in fair-mindedness and logic?
  4. Conclusion (Links to an external site.):  Reflect  on your issue or problem and how the sources informed your thinking.  What have you learned? How can you apply the intellectual standards and  elements of reason to this issue or problem to come to creative  solutions? What critical questions remain?
  5. References
  6. Journal Submission. Each module lecture contains a  section with journal prompts that focus on reflection and application of  the module content. Use the Journal Template to record your answers for  each module’s prompt(s). Include these entries at the end of your Final  Portfolio.

Option #2: Annotated Bibliography 

Select an issue or problem that you wish to investigate critically. Formulate a question or thesis (Links to an external site.) on the issue so that your research has a clear and cogent direction.

Use Paul and Elder’s (2012) intellectual standards to find a topic or problem that is clear, relevant, significant, and precise.

Now, construct an annotated bibliography (Links to an external site.) that addresses the problem or issue through scholarly sources. See this example (Links to an external site.) for a good overview of how an annotated bibliography should be
Your annotated bibliography should include the following:

  1. Title page: include your name, date, title of annotated bibliography, and class
  2. Introduction (Links to an external site.): provide a two-paragraph introduction that frames the issue or problem carefully
  3. Annotations (Links to an external site.):  Summarize the main point or arguments of each scholarly source. What  are the main arguments? What is the point of this book or article? What  topics are covered? If someone asked what this article/book is about,  what would you say? After summarizing a source, it may be helpful to  evaluate it. Is it a useful source? How does it compare with other  sources in your bibliography? Is the information reliable? Is this  source biased or objective? What is the goal of this source? Each  annotation should be roughly one or two paragraphs in length.
  4. Conclusion (Links to an external site.):  Reflect  on your issue or problem and how the sources informed your thinking.  What have you learned? How can you apply the intellectual standards and  elements of reason to this issue or problem to come to creative  solutions?
  5. References
  6. Journal Submission. Each module lecture contains a  section with journal prompts that focus on reflection and application of  the module content. Use the Journal Template to record your answers for  each module’s prompt(s). Include these entries at the end of your Final  Portfolio.


  • Cite all claims and ideas using scholarly sources. While it is  acceptable to write in the first person, be sure to cite your sources to  support your inferences.

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Fig 1: The Rising Cost of Higher Education Darby Mullis | Critical Reasoning | June 20, 2019 Parents and children alike look forward to the tuxedoes, ballgowns, beauty salons, balloons, and limo’s all-in preparation for a senior high school prom and an upcoming graduation. Unfortunately, that is where the planning stops. Yet when asked, “What are your plans after graduating high school?” 84% of students respond they want to go to college (2017). The cost of a higher education has risen over 1,200 percent over the past forty years costing the average student between $24,000 - $54,000 a year without financial aid Roskam, (2015). Factors or variables effecting the variables are, • Serge of applicants (more people want to go to school) While the acceptance rate drops the Common Application has made it easier than ever to apply at over 750 colleges worldwide Dart (2017). • Pricing strategy (2019) • Ease of Federal Student Loans, both subsidized and unsubsidized Paying the price for the above-mentioned increase are both the students and the faculty in ways such as: • The adjunct professor; in place of the full-time tenured professor it has become common place to substitute an adjunct professor in their place. Only benefiting the university; the professor works at a cheaper rate, set curriculums, and little benefits if any. • Outsourced on campus bookstores: These are bookstores owned and operated at a profit by organizations other then the college or university. • Added pressure on both the parents and students in maintaining tuition payments: students and parents a like to take on jobs as a supplemental income in order to afford these higher rates. As the application rate has increased over the past forty years the rate of tuition has disproportionally increased in meeting the law of supply and demand by four and half times that of inflation. America now stands at a staggering $1.5 trillion in student debt with no end in sight (nd). PAGE 1 Questions to be addressed: 1. What are the corresponding factors in the disproportionate rise in tuition compered to attendance? 2. Are there options to help mitigate a continued increase? 3. What can families do to help prepare for a successful four years? References Dart, J. (2017, November 17). More Than a Million Applications Submitted via the Common App through November 1. Retrieved June 20, 2019, from Learning from Student Voice: College & Career Readiness 2017. (2017). Retrieved June 20, 2019, from Roskam Opening Statement: Examining the Rising Costs of Higher Education. (2015). Targeted News Service, p. Targeted News Service, Oct 7, 2015. The Real Reasons Why College Tuition is So High and What you Can Do About it. (2019, March 12). Retrieved June 20, 2019, from, A. (2017, March 27). How to save money in college. Retrieved June 20, 2019, from U.S. Student Loan Debt Statistics for 2019. (n.d.). Retrieved June 20, 2019, from PAGE 2 PAGE 3
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Revised Topic and Outline
Institution Affiliation



Revised Topic Selection and Questions
The revised topic is, “The rising cost of higher education in the US following decreased

state funding.” The increase in the cost of higher education is a significant issue that affects lowincome families' access to quality education by influencing the choice of the institution and the
ability to attend to learning effectively. One of the significant factors that influence the increase
is the cost of higher learning due to a decrease in state funding. According to Delaney and Doyle
(2011), higher education is one of the budget categories to be cut during bad economic times
based on the ability to raise revenue through charging tuition. Similarly, several changes have
also occurred in the process of funding with the government focusing more on issuing loans to
the students. The p...

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