Quality Improvement Poster Presentation

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Assignment #4: Quality Improvement Poster Presentation

The purpose of this assignment is for you to present a summary of your proposal and share with the class your knowledge and expertise on this specific aspect of evidence-based practice. After completing the quality improvement proposal paper, you should summarize your paper into a presentation. Presentation formats include PowerPoint or handouts with/without audio/video aids. PowerPoint presentations should be a maximum of 12 slides (please refer to unit 6 of the APA tutorial in the Toolkit section of the classroom for guidance on how to do a presentation). This presentation will be posted for everyone to view and respond.

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Explanation & Answer

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Quality Improvement Poster

Institutional Affiliation

• Every institution providing the services to the members of the public should
ensure that the services provided are of high quality
• This include in the institutions such as healthcare, clinics and other related
companies (Runy, 2008).

• This project will utilize the healthcare setting as an example
• Various department of the healthcare requires quality improvement to augment
the overall services provided to the patients
• The project will comprehensively look at the emergency department

Statement of the Problem
• From the report depicted by Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare
Organizations (JCAHO), the primary cause of poor quality s...

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