Erie Community College Ethics on Consumer Production and Marketing Paper

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Business Finance

Erie Community College


APA Paper on two assignments, one on the Ethics on Consumer Production and Marketing, and the other on The Ethics of Job Discrimination.

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Ethics of Job Discrimination
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Wal-Mart Stores Inc. is the largest retailer in the world with over 11,368 stores in
27different countries operating under 55 different names. The company operates under revenue
of US$514.4 billion with 2.2 million employees worldwide and 1.5 million in the United States.
It operates under four divisions namely Wal-Mart U.S., Wal-Mart International, Sam’s Club, and
Global e-commerce. Wal-Mart Inc. is famous for its distinctive corporate culture when compared
with other retail stores. It promotes and protects its organizational culture through frequent
(weekly) training where the employees and managers are required to attain (Pioch & Gerhard
2014). The managers are usually evaluated on the basis of their knowledge on the company’s
culture while employees, on the other hand, are remunerated for their commitment to it. Despite
the success that the company has experienced over the years, it has faced a lot of criticism over
different violations. The most notable one was its violation of labor laws where it used children
(child-labor) and illegal immigrants and did not pay overtime wages to the employees.
Additionally, it has been implicated for lack of promotions and management training, common
professional development strategies in most organizations (Velasquez, 2002, p.392).
The book, Business Ethics Concepts, and Cases by Velasquez includes the case study of
Wal-Mart and its unethical practices and violation of laws regarding women and sexual
discrimination, this was a major suit that was filed by six American women on the firm; women
were working for Wal-Mart. The women worked for 13 different Wal-Mart stores in the United
States. Additionally, the suit indicated that women were paid less in comparison to their male
counterparts for the same jobs and duties. This was despite them, women, having very senior
positions high-performance rating (Cameron & Quinn, 2011). Additionally, they also received
few or no promotions to the management positions. The six women sued Wal-Mart on behalf of
the over 1 million other women workers to demand compensation, equal pay, and promotional



statuses. The women had hired the services of a statistics expert, Richard Drogin, who would
analyze the cases of sexual discrimination in the organization in a period of six years (19962002).
The Drogin report shed light on various discrimination issues facing the organization.
First In the tow s employee sub-groups; hourly employees and management, women received
lower pay as compared to their male counterparts holding the same positions. The report also
found out that there was an unequal distribution of promotion and training opportunities among
the employees, with women getting disadvantages from the few opportunities despite having the
same educational qualification, experience, and ranks as their male counterparts. The report also
found stated that since the organization’s cultural practices were male-oriented as well as the
relocation and expansion of the organization internationally and other locations within the United
States, the managers thought that ...

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