Walden University Diversity Human Rights and Social Justice Anti-Oppressive Social Work Practice Paper

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Walden University


Explain the potential impact of white privilege on clients from both dominant and minority groups (consider impact of both positive and negative stereotypes).

Explain how intersecting identities might impact an individual’s experience (for example, race/ethnicity and gender, race/ethnicity and class, race/ethnicity and ability, race/ethnicity and sexual orientation, race/ethnicity and class).

Providing specific examples, explain how a social worker might utilize cultural strengths when working with clients.

Describe 2-3 social work skills and how a social worker might use them to engage in anti-oppressive work.

Support ideas in paper with at least 2-3 course resource

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Anti-oppressive social work means critically reflecting on your own cultural identities and how the social environment impacts these identities. Acknowledging power and privilege can be uncomfortable; however, with values of multiculturalism and social justice, social workers are committed to engaging in their own personal work and addressing social barriers clients may experience. Social workers view clients from a strengths-based perspective utilizing client strengths to support their goals, rather than pathologizing clients from the lens of the dominant culture. For the past six weeks, you have learned about the social construction of social identities, structural inequality based on dominant and non-dominant groups, and oppressions based on sex, class, and race. While readings have continuously pointed out white privilege as the dominant group privilege, you also know that privilege is not equally distributed in groups. Intersecting identities creates unique experiences for clients. For this assignment, you draw from what you have been learning during the first part of this course and discuss strategies for anti-oppressive social work practice. • . In a 2-3 page paper • Explain the potential impact of white privilege on clients from both dominant and minority groups (consider impact of both positive and negative stereotypes). • • Explain how intersecting identities might impact an individual’s experience (for example, race/ethnicity and gender, race/ethnicity and class, race/ethnicity and ability, race/ethnicity and sexual orientation, race/ethnicity and class). • • Providing specific examples, explain how a social worker might utilize cultural strengths when working with clients. • • Describe 2-3 social work skills and how a social worker might use them to engage in anti-oppressive work. • • Support ideas in paper with at least 2-3 course resources (please reference) at least one additional peer-reviewed article from the Walden library (not assigned in this course) to support your ideas.
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Anti-Oppressive Social Work
by HAL Lab

Submission date: 09-Jul-2019 07:23AM (UT C-0400)
Submission ID: 1150440916
File name: Anti-Oppressive_Social_Work_Practice.docx (19.77K)
Word count: 803
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Anti-Oppressive Social Work Practice












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Anti-Oppressive Social Work Practice
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Anti-Oppressive Social Work Practice
Social work oppression has been increasing dynamically in the United States. Oppression
is fortified in the community for the maintaining of its uneven status quo. Modern social workers
are encountering the unique evolution of an anti-oppression strategy that is slowly displacing
long-established social work frameworks of self-fulfillment and individual rehabilitation
(Dalrymple & Burke, 2006). Abolishing oppression and professing their right to self-expression
in a society that they command has become a key interest of individuals across the earth as one
apprehends their greater future. Oppression has become a significant concern among social
workers, especially against women of ethnic groups.
Social work practice has received criticisms and oppression in the last two decades.
Social work is a field that works with groups, families, and specific individuals to ensure human
growth, and social justice within society. Social work practice is guided by various theories or
models that include; social learning theory, psychodynamic theory, system theory, and conflict
theory. However, the most effective theory that best suites may social work practice is the
psychodynamic theory. This theory is mainly concerned with internal processes, for example,
human needs, drives, and the specific emotions that motivate human behavior (Colarusso &
Nemiroff, 2013).
Case Description
Due to the increase in operation in the...

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