PSY 1010 PCC How the Internet Inflates Estimates of Internal Knowledge Discussion

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psy 1010

Pasadena City College



With regards to research paper, you would need to find a research article in a research journal (no secondary source such as psychology today, etc.). Write briefly about the topic, what is the background of the research, who were the subjects and the research design, what were the findings and shortcomings of the research.

Explanation & Answer:
1 Discussion
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Explanation & Answer

Hi,Please go through the article and inform in case of any changes you may require.I addressed all the areas required.It's two pages ,the third page is but just a cover page.

Your Name
PSY 219 Date
Matthew Fisher, Mariel K. Goddu, and Frank C. Keil (2015). Searching for
Explanations: How the Internet Inflates Estimates of
Internal Knowledge. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 2015, Vol. 144, No.
3, 674–687

This article focused on an important topic on how the internet inflates estimates of
internal knowledge. In this century, the internet is a global resource used by several
people in order to obtain knowledge and information about the world. However, there
have been concer...

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