Grantham University The Writer Way Reflection Journal

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Grantham University


Now that you have completed your Informative Essay, reflect back on this process, how it went, what you’ve learned from it, and what you might do differently the next time. Write a brief reflection journal in which you address the following questions (from The Writer’s Way, p. P-6):

1.What just happened? (What did I/we do?)

2.What was the purpose of doing this activity? (Why did I/we do it?)

3.What did the reading, lesson, or discussion pertaining to this activity say? (What was the content?) [For this question, identify one concept from the readings, lessons, or discussions pertaining to this assignment that seemed significant to you. Be specific.]

4.What was the point of this reading, lesson, or discussion?

5.How can I use this activity or information going forward?

Important: Do not write just one-sentence answers to the above questions. Write at least a paragraph for each. You might want to review the additional explanations on p. P-6 before your proceed.

You do not have to use APA Style for this assignment, but your journal must use 12-pt. Times New Roman and be double spaced.

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Explanation & Answer


Reflection on Informative Essay- Outline
Thesis Statement: The informative essay gave me a chance to develop my writing skills and
expand my expertise in the skill application for different purposes.
I. The essay
II. Purpose
III. Reading lesson
IV. Point
V. Application

Running head: REFLECTION


Reflection on Informative Essay


Reflection on Informative Essay

The informative essay gave me a chance to develop my writing skills and expand my
expertise in the skill application for different purposes. In the essay, I wrote on how to create a
YouTube channel, an activity I consider quite useful for many young people who use the
platform a...

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