Select any four questions of your choice listed below. Make sure you answer all parts of the question. Minimum requirements are two-three pages per answer. You do not have to cite the sources...
- Describe the origins and aims of labor movement and socialist politics ( Karl Marx) in the nineteenth century. Describe the lives of upper, middle and working class women in English speaking countries between 1850 -1914.
- Define the concepts of “New Imperialism” and “colonialism” and analyze them in terms of motives, their methods, and their place in the development of the world economy? How was this new imperialism different from the previous European expansion?
- Discuss the causes of the First World War from a European perspective and what events led the United States to intervene in the conflict? What was the impact of the war on the world?
- Discuss the significance of the Paris Peace Conference. Who were the key individuals at that conference and what were their expectations? What was Wilson’s vision for “ the new world order.
- What were the causes and significance of the Russian Revolution? What was the political and economic situation in Russia for the first five years after the Bolsheviks seized power?
- Discuss the Stalinist Revolution and what was Stalin’s strategy for achieving rapid industrialization, collectivization of agriculture and the use of terror?
- Discuss the causes and consequences of the Depression? Why were Mussolini and Hitler able to gain power and engage in territorial expansion with such ease prior to 1939?
- What factors led to the emergence of a popular independence movement in India, and why did this movement lead to the establishment of two states, India and Pakistan, rather than to a single India.
- Discuss the causes and the consequences of the Cold War? What led to the collapse of the Soviet Union?
- What will be the major sources of conflict in the second decade of the twenty century? In your estimation is there a solution to these global issues and how?
Explanation & Answer
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Surname 1
Define the concepts of “New Imperialism” and “colonialism” and analyze them in terms
of motives, their methods, and their place in the development of the world economy? How
was this new imperialism different from the previous European expansion?
Europe’s long practice for imperialism dates back to the 12th c when there were an active
campaign and crusade against the Arabs. Even American only managed to expand its territorial
boundaries after achieving independence in 1783. However, after the 19th c, European
superpowers expanded their power and swayed in the oversea countries such as Africa. It is
essential to realize that this newfound imperialism was characterized by conquests that was much
bigger as compared to the Spanish of the 17th c. for instance, between the period of 1869 and
1914, European powers perpetrated unprecedented speed of land grabbing in Africa and some
parts of central Asia. Besides, Europeans seized control of the territories in the South East of
Asia as well as the pacific region. Almost over 10million sq miles of land with about 150 million
people becoming in their rule as well as the U.S during the period. However, the new form of
imperialism developed to more than land grabbing.
The new form of imperialism transformed into economic as well as technological was as the
best way to restructure different areas and bringing into a specific world economy as the sole
suppliers of raw materials, foodstuffs and consumers of the finished goods from the developed
and industrialized societies. In Africa and other vulnerable places such as South East Asia,
Surname 2
imperialism was conducted through conquest and colonial administration, but in Latin America,
imperialism was realized indirectly. For instance, in the eyes of many people, Latin America was
politically independent even though their economy depends so much on the U.S and Europe.
Therefore, the question that many people ask is "why the Americans and European did get
inspired to conquer oversea countries?" The answer is simple because their motive was inspired
by cultural, economic, and political inclinations.
The great powers of the 19th c like Portugal, Italy, Spain, Britain, and France were not only
competitive, but they were also hypersensitive on status. For example, after the French leaders
were humiliated in the Prussian war in 1871, they sought to regain the status and prestige of their
country through overseas conquest. However, Britain, which had the greatest possession of the
world wealth, felt a strong need to safeguard India through the acquisition of colonies in East of
Africa and Southeast of Asia. The German Chancellor at the time had very little attention in
getting colonies even though the German people believed their country ought to acquire colonies
abroad. Political motives were always there for the statesmen, especially in the principal cities.
The colonial officers and authorities posted in the oversea provinces began their diplomacy.
They began to claim various pieces of land before others came to take it away from them. The
armies that started wars in the frontier wars managed to overthrow their neighbors and finally
made harmony with them. However, the border fights in neighboring states allowed the colonial
states to bring in troops to take over surrounding territories before informing governments back
The colonial government, therefore, backed their men to avoid losing face. European great
powers acquired much of West African countries, the Pacific Islands and Southeast Asia. The
later 19th c however, witnessed the rival of Christian crusades in North America and Europe
Surname 3
through the protestant and missionary foundation of the missionary societies. This foundat...