Research Paper (300 points)

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Computer Science

Cambridge College


Research Paper (300 points)

  • Read Neculau, A., Habib, S., Kenaraki, M. K. M., Henriksson, A., & Liu, Y. (2009). Alignment Of Business And Is/It Strategy At Telenor Sweden. Journal of Information Systems & Operations Management, 3(1), 13-34 before arriving at the Friday meeting.
  • Select a company of your choice and perform a case study similar to the Telenor case study described in the above article.
    • You may not have direct access to the company you select, which means you may not be able to conduct interviews, and you may not have access to all the information you would like access to.
  • Your case study must follow APA guidelines (see my guide in Week 1)
  • Your case study paper must be organized with the following level two headings. Use level one and level three headings as needed).
    • Company Background
    • Company Business Strategy
    • Company IS/IT Strategy
    • IS Strategy Triangle (Read Shanardi and find other resources before arriving at the Friday meeting)
    • Strategic Alignment Model (Read Henderson and Venkatraman and find other resources before arriving at the Friday meeting)
    • Strategic Alignment Maturity Model (Read CIO wiki and find other resources before arriving at the Friday meeting)
    • Strategic Grid (Read McFarlan, McKenney, and Pyburn and find other resources before arriving at the Friday meeting)
    • Limitations (Cover the limitations of your study and paper)
    • Conclusions
  • Your paper must include at least five scholarly sources beyond the resources provided on Blackboard
  • Your paper must include a cover page with the names and student IDs of all team members
  • Your paper must have a SafeAssign score of less than 25%. You may submit your assignment multiple times to check the SafeAssign score. Only the final submission will be graded. Final submissions with a SafeAssign score over 25% will not be graded.

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Explanation & Answer



The Coca-Cola Company.
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The Coca-Cola Company.
1. The Coca-Cola Company.
1.1. Background.
The Coca-Cola Company is one of the leading beverage producer companies with
branches nationwide. Its growth can be attributed to the use of its unique formulae in the
production of its beverages (Sauerbronn, Barros, & Faria, 2017). This has enabled it to
have unique products in the market which can easily be identified by the customers. The
advancement in technology has also played a key role towards the growth of the company
because of the availability of a channel that can reach wide number of customers within a
short period of time. The production of customized beverages has made the company to
gain many loyal customers across the world. For instance, it has been on the frontline in
the production of beverages with zero sugar. However, for a company to maintain
constant growth there should be a well-established business strategy that caters for all
customers’ requirements. In the recent past, technology has been a major determinant
towards the success of different companies and failure to prioritize its use can lead to
business failure. Notably, every organization should have a well-structured information
technology department which can identify and implement business strategies that can
help the company to gain competitive advantage and increase its net profit.
1.2. Coca-Cola Business strategy.
The company has been on the frontline of ensuring that it gains competitive advantage
by providing products that are widely accepted to all its customers in different parts of
the world. The main strategies used by Coca-Cola includes, its production of customized



beverages, brand name, quality and taste of the...

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