ISOL633 University of the Cumberlands News and Syndication Paper

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Computer Science


University of the Cumberlands


In a double spaced, 10-point Times New Roman Font with 1-inch Margins. You are to write an APA formatted paper answering the following questions. Each question should be concerned a separate section of the paper. Consider each section a header for all purposes.

  • Discuss ways in which the government and/or companies are putting controls in place to protect people and/or their organizations (1 page)
  • Provide your teams recommendation on how to better handle information and data regulation compliance in the industry you just reviewed? (1/2 – 1 page)

TOPIC AREA: News & Syndication (i.e. CNN, CNBC, WaPo)

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Explanation & Answer

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News & Syndication
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News & Syndication
a) Discuss ways in which the news companies are putting controls in place to protect their
News companies are tasked with the provision of information on daily happenings to the people. Doing so
has its consequences, which leads the news companies to put in place ways to protect their organization from any
outcome that may result in the work they are engaged in when broadcasting. There are various ways news
companies put in place control measures allowing them to protect their organization which include signing
nondisclosure agreements, researching on the credibility of the news, having in place their organization’s trademark,
and limit the amount of information they reveal. In the first place, signing a nondisclosure agreement ensures that
the parties involved in the agreement do not share information with persons that are not allowed to know about the

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