MGT330 University of North Carolina USPS Business Process Reengineering Paper

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Business Finance


University of North Carolina at Greensboro


Part 1 needs to be done in 1 day

Part 2 needs to be done in 3 days


Kiran, D.R. (2016). Total Quality Management: Key Concepts and Case Studies, 1st Edition, Butterworth-heinemann, 2016. ISBN-13: 978-0128110355

Part 1

Respond to discussion in 250 words:

After you read Chapters 27 and Chapter 29 discuss how you believe Reliability Engineering and Benchmarking can be used together in order to improve TQM. Make sure you support your arguments with details from the reading or other sources. The purpose of conducting this type of investigation is to understand how the use of multiple TQM approaches can help us be more specific and increase efficiency of our TQM initiatives. We also want to make sure we don't discount the advantages we can gain using quantitative and qualitative methods.

Part 2:

250 words or more

Take a step back and take a good look at your organization (USPS). Think about a process that you believe is faulty or could use improvement based on internal or external factors that have changed or you believe will change in the coming years. Using the methodology for BPR devise a way of improving the process. Make sure you go through all of the steps. Be specific about the stakeholders you want to engage or have involved. Explain your actions and reasoning. Feel free to use other parts of Chapter 28, previous readings or other scholarly evidence to help you support any arguments or assertions (OTHER SOURCES SHOULD BE INTERNET SOURCES WITH WEB ADDRESSES INCLUDED IN REFERENCE LIST). Remember, you need to be specific not high level. If there is information that is confidential, just alter names or information as you see fit in order to complete this assignment. Remeber, even if the process is working well now it could still be used to help you with this analysis. Your submission should be in APA format!!

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