Explaining Opposing Positions

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By now, you've become comfortable with your paper topic. In this essay, we're going to build on the information you presented in Essay 2 and start to evaluate opposing positions. Select any two people (or an official platform of an individual organization) with opinions on your essay--official positions are best, but you can also choose to conduct a personal interview. Then present these two positions in a comparison-contrast paper.

You will need to draw on your Essay 2 for background information for this essay, but be careful that the background doesn't overwhelm the essay. Limit this to AT MOST 1.5 pages: less is better. The remaining three (plus) pages are to be used to evaluate the positions you have chosen.

Remember, you are not yet presenting your own position nor are you proposing a solution--you are simply reporting the positions of others in a fair, objective manner.

This essay must be at least 5 pages long, set in Time New Roman font with 1-inch margins. Your text must be double-spaced and you must use MLA format. Also, remember to cite all information that you cull from outside sources.

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2019071701584014191097.docx.pdf Saved to Dropbox • Jul 16, 2019 at 10?22 PM Running head: SKY-HIGH PRICES IN THE UNITED STATES HEALTHCARE ​1 Sky-High Prices in the United States healthcare Name Institutional Affiliation ​ Sky-High Prices in the United States healthcare Article one - thesis statement The United States residents do not know that “people from other countries do not pay anything close to what they do for their healthcare services.” Position of the author The author of this article has made revelations that the United States healthcare is one of the most expensive in the world. For example, he claims that “the united states patients pay the highest price for several prescription drugs.” For example, “a prescription for Nexium a popular remedy for the acid reflux disease and other stomach ailments cost $215, which is 3.5 times the cost in the Netherlands (Young 2017).” “Prescription drugs in the U.S. are expensive since most countries set the prices through their healthcare system unlike in the U.S.” the lack of a proper approach to this has led to Americans being manipulated by most health institutions. Also, “the average daily cost of being in a hospital is twice as expensive in the united states as it is in New Zealand.” This includes even the cost of child delivery where “a normal delivery in the united states is more expensive than in any other countries studied.” Article two – thesis statement The paper seeks to provide a framework that could be used in the adoption of a variety of measures as a way of curbing the unfair drug pricing in the United States. Position of the author “The current practice of granting patent monopolies to pharmaceutical companies to spur innovation is a flawed approach to advancing continuous innovation.” This has resulted in the, “united states lagging behind other countries at making prescription drugs affordable for its population.” There is, therefore, the need for the federal government to look into the matter and come up with policies that would help bring down the prices of the prescription drugs in the country. This is as “federal policymakers are in a better position to drive down drug prices.” The authors review some of the factors that contribute to the rocketing of the drug prices in the country that include; - “Monopoly power of the pharmaceuticals manufactures over drug pricing.” - “The opaque pharmaceutical supply chain that allows various intermediary players to maximize their profits.” - “Manipulative pharmaceutical marketing campaigns affecting consumers and providers’ decisions.” - “Insurers shifting costs to consumers by imposing high copayments and coinsurance in response to growing prescription drug prices.” Analysis The two articles are complementary as they are of the view that the United States healthcare has been compromised leading to skyrocketing of the healthcare system. From the perspective of both articles, the cost of prescription drugs is the leading cause of high costs of healthcare in the country compared to the other countries. This is despite the government boasting of the country is home to the best healthcare system in the world today. The two articles are, therefore, proof that something needs to be done to regulate the cost of healthcare in the country. The lack of regulation in the cost of drugs in the country is the leading course of high prices. The federal government should, therefore, step in to save ordinary citizens from the ever-growing manipulation by these organizations. This is to ensure equal distribution of healthcare services to persons across all walks of life. References Nguyen, Q. C. (2018). Addressing Out Of Control Prescription Drug Prices Federal and State Strategies. Retrieved from Community catalyst website: https://www.communitycatalyst.org/resources/publications/ document/2018/CC-PrescripDrugPrices-Report-FINAL.pdf Young, J. (2017, December 6). Americans Pay Way More For This Than People In Other Countries. Retrieved from https://www.huffpost.com/entry/health-carecosts_n_5160819? guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ 2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAJJOzEs1gA96w x7tgwlui8Fn_NvtgPO1GBORKaWx0Zfc0XfVm93eJfEnW8QJ3-PqQ3ncObRPkg4ycdg9rz6x6Au9KBJT7S3pgL3_QPzI_jfnV8kQuas6qcXV3Pf yHDr8RPHjK5rD3HYKwuBcu0u9HGDlhMZJygoJfMV0 M90Bfb Surname 1 Student’s Name: Instructor’s Name: Course: EN 111 Sky-High Prices in the United States HealthCare The United States of America is one of the leading countries with a developed healthcare system. The government has taken a high stance in providing quality care to its citizens. Most of the advancements in the health sector have been achieved because of the integration of technology in practice. For example, the introduction of electronic health records has made quality care efficient and avoids medical errors. The government has also introduced programs such as Medicaid and Medicare that seek to address medical concerns of the aged and the vulnerable groups in the society. However, despite its progress and advancement, America is facing skyrocketing health care expenses. According to research conducted by Centers for Medicare and Medicaid, the national health spending is estimated to rise by 5.6% annually to 2025 (Guharoy). The increase in health expenditure is as a result of medical service inflation, aging of large baby boomer population, and the effects of medical crimes conducted through Medicare and Medicaid. The health care facilities have been taken as a lucrative business, as evidenced by an increased number of health facilities, mainly private clinics. The country is, however, spending about $9000 per person every year, which translates to a massive share of national income. Despite its to reform the health sector, the increased costs of healthcare do not reflect on the quality of care provided to the patients. Surname 2 As the government strives to improve access to medical care, health treatment and payment decisions need to be changed efficiently. The government manages the health care of about 50% of the American population. However, the health facilities have taken the advantage to steal from the government through forms of medical crimes i.e., double billing. If individual patients settled the health costs, the country would not incur such colossal spending. Unfortunately, health insurance companies and government health agencies have been used to determine the course of treatment and maintain reimbursement decisions (Patel and Rushefsky). Just recently, patients started to use "fee for service" (FFS) mode in health care. The physicians, therefore, would receive payment for each they attend. As a result, the physicians enter exaggerated figures that are catered for by the government. This leads to an increased expenditure as the actual costs incurred during treatment does not match the payments made by the government. The health concerns are no longer taken sensitively. The health facilities are thus increasing the prices of medicine at the expense of patients. The American population is rapidly growing, and due to exposure of chemicals obtained mostly on food, a large number suffer from lifestyle diseases. This increases the demand for medical care. The pharmacists, therefore, take advantage of the law of demand and supply to increase the prices of medicines (Tan). Since no patients would wait and dye because of costs, they are forced to bear the changes in price, which adversely cause an increase in supply. The government is not actively involved in managing and controlling drug prices. Most of the drugs used in health facilities are imported from India, Israel, and other nations. The importers use this chance to adjust prices of drugs to make profits. Although the government Surname 3 imposes taxes on the imports, the overall costs increase, and the load shouldered is on the patients. The health industry has been interfered with by professionals from other career industries. Everyone has identified a market gap and business venture. Companies are getting associated with the industry in one way or the other. On the earlier decades, health institutions were led by health professionals who were conversant with the ministry. Nowadays, the industry has been taken to like a normal business company. The health system is involving professional managers, insurance agents, technicians, legal advisors, marketing agents who do not possess medical skills. Most the health institutions are led by CEOs and CFOs who do not have direct interest interests in revolving health care but make more profits. The increased medical costs are as a result of the involvement of outside players. Prominent companies that are not directly involved in medical health have changed the systems. For example, the Apple Company, after the release of iOS, developed a computer program that could link personal health data with electronic health records used in hospitals to track care (Torinus). Most of the progressive health facilities like Mayo clinic have adopted the new technology to send health records to the patients. This has provided patients more control over their health as they can access their records on their iPhones. To access all this information, the respective hospitals and patients need the computer software and apps to make it useful. They pay for the maintenance of the program, which adds costs. Currently, people are at high chances of acquiring lifestyle diseases. This is because of lack of body exercises, use of chemicals in foods, climate change effects, among others. About 55% of American citizens aged above 40 years are at high risks to acquire diseases such as Surname 4 stroke, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases among others ("Why Are Health Care Costs Going Up?"). Most chronic diseases e.g., cancer, take a long time to heal as the patients undergoes several sessions of chemotherapy. All these are costly, and the government meets the costs of successive visits. Since the largest populations affected by chronic diseases are above 40 years, it means the government caters their costs through veteran, Medicare, and Medicaid programs. The issue of chronic diseases needs to be addressed before more patients suffer. If the diseases could be identified earlier ie, cancer, most patients lives could be saved. In general, the cost of health care in the US will keep increasing until the government develops new strategies to manage the system. With the integration of technology, the government can use the data acquired through its agencies such as Medicaid to access its performance and reliability. Most of the costs are not incurred on medicines but goes to the hands of selfish physicians. Medical crime in Medicare and Medicaid is common, and the patients are not to be blamed. The government needs to fight medical crime by arresting any offender and facilities involved. By this, the government can save money which could e used for other purposes such as the purchase of hospital machines. Otherwise, the health care system will not reform itself without a stern action by the government. Works Cited Guharoy, R. "Time to stop skyrocketing drug costs." American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy, vol. 75, no. 3, 2018, pp. 91-92, doi:10.2146/ajhp170599. Surname 5 Patel, K., and M. E. Rushefsky. Healthcare Politics and Policy in America: 2014. Routledge, 2014. Tan, J. Healthcare Information Technology Innovation and Sustainability: Frontiers and Adoption: Frontiers and Adoption. IGI Global, 2013. Torinus, J. The Company That Solved Health Care: How Serigraph Dramatically Reduced Skyrocketing Costs While Providing Better Care, and How Every Company Can Do the Same. BenBella Books, 2010. "Why Are Health Care Costs Going Up?" Health Care Will Not Reform Itself, 2009, pp. 17-42, doi:10.1201/9781439816158.ch2.
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