LDR300 UOPX Week 2 Leadership Theories Matrix Research

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University of Phoenix


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As a leader, you often need to display or clarify a concept. A matrix is a grid that contains information and offers a visual model of ideas. For this assignment, you will create a matrix(attached) that explains leadership theories.

Research the following five leadership theories and include these in your matrix (use the matrix template provided-attached):

Trait theories of leadership

Behavioral theories of leadership

Contingency models of leadership

Skills approaches to leadership

Situational methods of leadership

Develop the definition and characteristics of various leadership theories and approaches to leadership (trait leadership, behavioral leadership, contingency leadership, skills leadership and situational leadership).

Provide one or more examples to support the definition or characteristics of each form of leadership.

Write out your explanations in each section using about 350 words for each section.

Format your Leadership Theory Matrix with the template and consistent with APA guidelines.

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Leadership Theories Matrix Complete the following sections using the provided matrix template. Develop a leadership theories matrix that describes the definition and characteristics of various leadership theories and approaches to leadership (trait leadership, behavioral leadership, contingency leadership, skills leadership and situational leadership). Provide one or more examples to support the definition or characteristics of each form of leadership. Write out your explanations in each section; each section should contain about 350 words. Format your matrix consistent with APA guidelines. Theory Trait Leadership Behavioral Leadership Contingency Leadership Skills Leadership Situational Leadership Definition/Characteristics Examples References APA-formatted citation APA-formatted citation
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Explanation & Answer





The Trait leadership is
identified as ateura,
which examines the
qualities and qualities
that individuals must
possess in order to be a
great leader (Northhouse,
2004). From the end of
the 19th century to the
mid-1940s, it was widely
believed that leadership
was a natural and rare
quality. In particular, this
is a natural part of
heredity, which is
naturally passed on to
future generations,
naturally following
environmental and
family inheritance
(Nahavandi, 2017).


A recent example of Trait leadership was shown in a TV series called LOST, in which the
aircraft was divided into two parts of the plane and landed on either side of the undeveloped
island Pacific. In this TV show, Sun, Eco and Jack showcase key features including
intelligence, confidence, determination, honesty and socialism. Sun Quan (Sun), who plays
the role of a Korean housewife, first appeared as a passive and obedient person before
proving himself to be a powerful and convincing natural leader (Sudbrack and Trombley,
2007). ). Another example: William Peterson immigrated from Amsterdam to Denmark in
1920 and moved to Seattle (Washington). In this leadership example, William brings a
young family and knowledge, skills and skills in the general architectural field. As an
immigrant, this modest start allowed him to create and set up a company that led the
construction team to build historic and historic buildings. Two of them are Parker Square
and the Washington Hall. Both are protected because they are registered as historic
buildings (Nyland, 2017). As Sun and William demonstrate, as a functional leader, even
real and perceived challenges in language and culture can be highlighted.


The characteristics of
behavioral leadership are
classified as democratic,
authoritarian and laissezfaire leaders. They were
born in the mid-1940s to

A personal example of behavioral leadership is that I have to control...

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