EDDL626 Concordia University Week 5 Educational Enterprise Discussion

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Concordia University Portland


Evaluation Plan and Vision (Group Discussion)

During Week 5, you established some Resources and Activities as you began to develop a logic model and to imagine what your new school will be and do.

  1. Review your Resources and Activities from Week 5 and Mission and Vision Statements from Week 3.
  2. Briefly discuss how refining a vision for your new school might alter your perceptions of what your Resources and Activities should be.
  3. Revise your Resources and Activities according to your changed perceptions.
  4. Additionally, begin drafting the Outcomes, Outputs, and Impact sections of your logic model. Measurable outcomes will be explored further in Tuesday’s discussion as well.

Support your statements with evidence from the Required Studies and other research. Cite and reference your sources in APA style.

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Explanation & Answer


Running head: REVIEW




Review of Mission and Vision

For the case of the discussion in week 3, it dwelled on the need for a vision and mission
for the new educational program named focus alternative school. From the discussion, it is
evident that it dwelled on the role the vision and mission would play in the process of
implementing the educational program. Even so, discussion only addressed the issue of the
mission and the vision from a general perspective. That being the case, there is a need to refine
the vision and the mission of the program and make it more specific on the impact that the focus
alternative school program wants to create. For instance, the vision could be “create an effective
program that will help the students that need additional attention so that they ...

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