Marketing Research

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Business Finance


  1. Descriptive Research

Descriptive research describes something. The six W’s of descriptive research are Who (who should we consider?), What (what information do we want to collect?), When (when should we collect the information?), Where (where should we collect the information?), Why (why are we obtaining the information?), and Way (how are we going to collect the information?).

Chocolate Sandwich Cookie Company is planning to launch a new line of cookies and wants to assess the market size. The cookie has a vanilla cookie outside with a dark chocolate and praline filling, and will be targeted at the premium end of the market. Assemble the six W’s of a descriptive research design that may be adopted by the Chocolate Sandwich Cookie Company. Support your claims with examples from required material(s) and/or other scholarly resources, and properly cite any references. 

2.   Quantitative/Qualitative

Critique the following statement: “Quantitative research is more important than qualitative research because it results in statistical information and conclusive findings.”

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