The first essay exam assessed your knowledge about the first half of the semester. This essay exam will evaluate your knowledge about the last seven weeks, but also the class as a whole.
Thus, this exam will require you to answer two questions in one essay (one essay that is about 4-5 pages long).
This semester, we have spent a lot of time learning the history, theories, processes and political implications of global communication. This essay will help see whether you can make the big connections between this course’s themes and theories.
Please write an essay responding to the following questions. I have provided additional comments/questions below each main question. These are just tips that will provide you with more clarity regarding the expectations.
Answer the following questions in a coherent essay that includes an introduction/thesis and conclusion. Make sure to use evidence from lessons/examples, reading materials, and films and current examples. Use this essay, also, to further expand our conversations. Consider how these dialogues have added to your knowledge/perspectives.
Also, make sure to use course material from the entire semester.
Your essay in total should be no longer than 5 pages and no shorter than 4 pages. You will get points taken off for submitting an exam with more than 5 pages or less than 4.
Please make sure that your essay is not simply opinion-based. Support your claims with specific evidence. You should make direct references (cited correctly) to course material (including sufficient class examples). You need a bibliography in APA style, and also use in-text citations to indicate where you received your information.
1) Regarding what you have learned about the history and theories of international communications, what lesson do you think we should take from this course about media and influence/power, especially regarding politics and international relations?
To answer these questions, consider the following:
How does studying international communication contribute to our knowledge/ perceptions/opinions about our position and place in the world?
What are the roles of propaganda, neo(colonialism), and the growth of capitalism on international communications?
2) What have you learned about international communications in relation to understanding cultural and economic power as well as the construction of knowledge? Use this section to address the last four weeks of class.
Consider the following, but you don’t have to limit yourself to these ideas:
How do we know what we know? How do we create and absorb knowledge about international affairs, politics, etc.?
Consider some of the concepts that we have talked about in the last part of the semester: imperialism, globalization, soft power, scientific racism, etc.
What are the relationships between globalization, development, music, television and film?
Formatting Criteria
Minimum of 4 pages but no longer than 5 pages (12-point font, double-spaced, 1 inch margins)
Cite your sources. Include a bibliography in APA style.
Proofread your work!
Reference the rubric posted on Angel and the Lesson Commentary
Save your file as "Last name_First name"
Explanation & Answer
Course Title
Student Name
Institution Affiliation
International Communications
Global or international communication refers to the sharing of information on a global
platform among several countries. It is a very extensive field which covers several aspects of
communication, including culture, politics, health, and most importantly; the media. The media is
a very influential player when it comes to international communications, especially on topics
regarding international relations and politics, and its influence or power is deeply rooted in the
most important aspects of global communication. One way through which the media influe nces
the relationship between several countries on a global scale and how they communicate with each
other is through propaganda. Anything that happens today in the global arena can be politicized,
and the media plays a crucial role in politicizing sensitive matters to do with war, as well as the
fundamental aspects of international relations. Propaganda is very influential since it can serve an
important purpose of rallying people behind a cause, but often with misrepresented, exaggerated
and even untruthful information that can influence public opinion about sensitive issues like the
war on terrorism for the worse. However, it doesn't only involve issues to do with militarism, war,
and war-mongering, but propaganda is all around us in every aspect. This, therefore, means that
when it comes to matters of politics and international relations, global communication plays a very
significant role; and since the media controls international communication, it has the most
influence or power.
Media and Influence/Power
War is a very sensitive topic that often takes center stage in international relations whenever
it occurs. It is inevitable for innocent civilians to die at times of war; and forces whose main
purpose is to cover up the truth often feed untrue information to the media, which then present
such information to the public as propaganda. According to Winston Churc...