American InterContinental Financial Ratios & Personal Finances Paper

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Business Finance

American InterContinental University


This assignment must be at least 300 words (in your own words). This assignment also must have 1 in text citation from a credible source

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Assignment Details: Discuss the following in your initial post: How can you utilize your finantial ratios in your personal finances?

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Assignment Details Discuss the following in your initial post: • How can you utilize financial ratios in your personal finances? • Why is it important for you to be aware of your personal financial ratios? • How can ratios help you with your personal goals?
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Financial Ratios

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Financial ratios are mathematical comparisons of monetary statement categories or
accounts. These ratios give investors and creditors or even businesses an insight into their financial
performances ("Financial Ratios in Personal Financial Planning," n.d.). In managing or planning
personal economic activities such as income, it is essential ...

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