Motor Learning: Diagram a Motor Skill

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Motor Learning

APA Formatting

Graduate level writing

The length of this assignment should be 6 or more pages plus Title and reference page.

9 or more sources that are scholarly and illustrate a high degree of research and technical expertise.

Adapted from: (2 references)

Atkinson, R.C.; Shiffrin, R.M. (1968). "Chapter: Human memory: A proposed system and its control processes". In Spence,

K.W.; Spence, J.T. The psychology of learning and motivation. 2. New York: Academic Press. pp. 89–195.

Assignment 1: Diagram a motor skill using the above information processing model. (2 parts)

Use a 20 year old amateur lifter wanting to leaner how to do power cleans

  • Choose and describe a hypothetical athlete/individual and a motor skill you would like to teach
  • Explain whether this skill is closed vs open, discrete, serial or continuous
  • Explain the individual’s ability and all situational/environmental issues
  • Explain issues of anticipation and possible arousal associated with learning and performing the skill
  • Find and summarize one peer reviewed journal article (one-page review + APA reference i.e. 3rd reference) that supports your choice of skill, teaching method, concern, need from an information processing related position
  • Remember, additional APA in-text documentation and referencing are required to support your analysis

Now the Diagram…………

Create a detailed outline of your skill with the following headings and explanations:


Identify all key information that typically confronts the learner. This will include both, important teaching information, and also possible irrelevant personal and environmental information.

Sensory Register:

Explain what information is attended to (registered), why?

Selective Filter:

Explain what information from the display is retained and what information is not attended to


Explain what information remains in attention and memory and why

Short-term memory:

Explain how you will help the athlete move the key information into short-term memory and analyze, interpret, integrate, create a schema for future selection

Choice Delay:


  • What is meant by choice delay, why it happens and why this issue is important
  • Response execution of long-term memory: Explain this process, how it happens, how it is improved, why it might not happen consistently.

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Explanation & Answer

Here you go. In case of any further inputs, please let me know.All the best!I appreciate working with you!

Running head: POWER CLEANS


Power Cleans Sport


Motor Skills

Motor skills are the learned abilities that cause predetermined movement while achieving
maximum certainty. A motor skill is described as a relatively gradual change in a person's
capability to execute a given task as a result of experience or practice. It is noteworthy that
performance, in this case, is an execution of the motor skill. The objective of motor learning is
aimed at optimizing your capability of performing the task at the rate of precision, success and
thus reduces the consumed energy needed for skill performance (Spence & Spence, 1967).
Hypothetical athlete/individual and motor skills I would teach
I would like teach a 20-year-old amateur lifter who wants to learn how to do power
cleans. There are various weightlifting techniques that the individual can apply to improve his
motor skills as described below.
Hook Grip
A hook grip is a pronated grip, where the palms face you. It is a crucial grip in
weightlifting. But new weight lifters take time to learn how it's done correctly. The thumb should
be wrapped over the bar. The fingers grab the thumb and tighten it around the bar. It is essential
not to have the thumb smashed on the bar. Most new lifters do this, and it's uncomfortable
making the hook grip useless because it doesn't feel strong enough to lift the weight. With hook
grip secured properly, the tension on the wrists and fingers is reduced. The elbow is also not
tensed as you pull the weight (Schmidt et al., 2018). Since the hands can relax, the force from
the legs is transferred to ease the pulling exercise. This enables you to increase speed because the
grip is comfortable. However, uncomfortable hook grip can be painful, and it is signing your grip
is not done correctly; you can use an elastic tape to increase friction and secure your hold.



Mixed grip
A mixed grip is a mixture of pronated and supinated grips. One palm faces you and the
other faces away from you. It is mostly used with a barbell to prevent it from rolling from your
hands. The best time to use it is when you need to support weight on a bar. The mixed grip
comes in handy and helps you keep working without your forearms feeling fatigued. During
CrossFit training, high reps are common, and this translates to fatigue. The mixed grip helps you
concentrate on your exercises because the grip is firm and comfortable (Comfort et al., 2012).
Conversely, a mixed grip does not add much value in deadlifts; it does not increase strength to
the grip. Also, if you have a painful back, this grip is not for you. It is not the most comfortable
for a problematic back.
Whether this skill is closed vs. open, discrete, serial or continuous
Power cleans ...

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