PHI210 Strayer Week 7 What comes first? Solving the problem or defining the problem?
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Which came first? Solving the problem or defining the problem? [WK7]
In our first week, we talked about the importance of asking good questions and how this was a critical step to really understanding a problem you are trying to solve. This week, we are going to explore how to approach solving a problem. So, to get us started, let's practice on defining and analyzing problems. Here's what the Monday topic needs from you:
- Identify and define a problem you need to solve or would like to solve.
- Analyze a problem identified and defined by one of your classmates.
I'll be providing general guidance, but the key for this topic is for each of you to engage with each other. Make sure to think about the 6 steps of the problem solving process discussed in section 7 of the webtext.

Explanation & Answer

here you go hun
Solving A Problem
Cultural differences have become a prevalent issue that threatens the peaceful social
correlation among students learning in a culturally diversified institution. The fundamental
problem arising from this case is the conflict of interests and ways of life, with the other group
continually criticizing the other one (Minkov, 2011). Most of the individuals find it challenging
to acknowledge, accept, and appreciate the cultural definitions of the others. Cases of
ethnocentrism make the headlines of most of the discussions among students, and even tutors
when the topics about cultural conflicts arise. Therefore, solutions must be implemented to solve
the impacts of ethnocentrism.
Several solutions can be used to mitigate the problem identified above. The most
preferred ones are the use of a communication system that neither favors nor disregards the other
culture, racial or religious group; and educating the students and the tutors on the importance of
existing in a peaceful correlation that is rooted in neutral cultural grounds. The primary aspect of
social interdependence is communication (Boeing, 2012). Therefore, the creation and promotion
of an effective communica...