PSY 7864 Capella University Unit 6 SPSS Data Analysis Report

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PSY 7864

Capella University




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Running head: DATA ANALYSIS AND APPLICATION TEMPLATE Data Analysis and Application (DAA) Template Learner Name Capella University 1 DATA ANALYSIS AND APPLICATION TEMPLATE Data Analysis and Application (DAA) Template Use this file for all assignments that require the DAA Template. Although the statistical tests will change from week to week, the basic organization and structure of the DAA remains the same. Update the title of the template. Remove this text and provide a brief introduction. Section 1: Data File Description 1. Describe the context of the data set. You may cite your previous description if the same data set is used from a previous assignment. 2. Specify the variables used in this DAA and the scale of measurement of each variable. 3. Specify sample size (N). Section 2: Testing Assumptions 1. Articulate the assumptions of the statistical test. 2. Paste SPSS output that tests those assumptions and interpret them. Properly integrate SPSS output where appropriate. Do not string all output together at the beginning of the section. 3. Summarize whether or not the assumptions are met. If assumptions are not met, discuss how to ameliorate violations of the assumptions. Section 3: Research Question, Hypotheses, and Alpha Level 1. Articulate a research question relevant to the statistical test. 2. Articulate the null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis. 3. Specify the alpha level. Section 4: Interpretation 1. Paste SPSS output for an inferential statistic. Properly integrate SPSS output where appropriate. Do not string all output together at the beginning of the section. 2. Report the test statistics. 2 DATA ANALYSIS AND APPLICATION TEMPLATE 3. Interpret statistical results against the null hypothesis. Section 5: Conclusion 1. State your conclusions. 2. Analyze strengths and limitations of the statistical test. 3 DATA ANALYSIS AND APPLICATION TEMPLATE References Provide references if necessary. 4 IBM SPSS Step-by-Step Guide: Correlations Note: This guide is an example of creating correlation output in SPSS with the grades.sav file. The variables shown in this guide do not correspond with the actual variables assigned in Unit 6 Assignment 1. Carefully follow the assignment instructions for a list of assigned variables. Screen shots were created with SPSS 21.0. Assumptions of Correlation To complete Section 2 of the DAA, you will generate SPSS output for histograms, descriptive statistics, and a scatter plot. Refer to the Unit 6 assignment instructions for a list of assigned variables. The example variables quiz1 and quiz2 are shown below. Step 1. Open grades.sav in SPSS. 1 Step 2. Generate SPSS histogram output for the Unit 6 assignment variables. (See the stepby-step guide from Unit 3 for complete instructions on generating histograms.) • On the Graphs menu, point to Legacy Dialogs and click Histogram… • Create separate histograms for the two assigned variables for the Unit 6 assignment. • Copy the two histograms and paste them into Section 2 of the DAA template. • Provide a visual interpretation for each histogram. The examples of quiz1 and quiz2 are shown below. 2 Step 3. Next, you will generate descriptive statistics for your Unit 6 assignment variables. (See the step-by-step guide from Unit 3 for complete instructions on generating descriptive statistics output.) • On the Analyze menu, point to Descriptive Statistics and click Descriptives… • Copy the descriptive statistics output and paste it into the DAA Template. • Below the output, interpret the skewness and kurtosis values. Step 4. Create the SPSS scatter plot for your assigned variables. • On the Graphs menu, point to Legacy Dialogs and click Scatter/Dot… 3 • In the Scatter/Dot dialog box, select Simple Scatter and then click the Define button. • In the Simple Scatterplot dialog box, select the assigned variables for the X Axis (horizontal) and Y Axis (vertical) as required in the Unit 6 Assignment 1 instructions. (The examples of quiz1 and quiz2 are shown below.) Click OK. 4 • Copy the scatter plot and paste it into the DAA Template. • Then provide an interpretation of the scatter plot. Intercorrelation Matrix To complete DAA Section 4, generate the SPSS intercorrelation matrix of all assigned Unit 6 Assignment 1 variables. The example variables of quiz1, quiz2, quiz3, and quiz4 are shown below. Step 1. On the Analyze menu, point to Correlate and click Bivariate… 5 Step 2. In the Bivariate Correlations dialog box: • Move the Unit 6 assignment variables into the Variables box. • Select the Pearson option, the Two-tailed option, and the Flag significant correlations option. • Click OK. Step 3. Copy the intercorrelation matrix and paste it into Section 4 of the DAA Template. Then interpret it as instructed in the assignment instructions. 6 [u06a1] Unit 6 Assignment 1 Correlations See the Resources area for links to resources that you will use for this assignment: 1. You will complete this assignment using the Data Analysis and Application (DAA) Template. 2. Read the SPSS Data Analysis Report Guidelines for a more complete understanding of the DAA Template and how to format and organize your assignment. 3. Refer to IBM SPSS Step-By-Step Guide: Correlations for additional information on using SPSS for this assignment. 4. If necessary, review the Copy/Export Output Instructions to refresh your memory on how to perform these tasks. As with your previous two assignments, your submission should be in narrative format with supporting statistical output (table and graphs) integrated into the narrative in the appropriate places (not all at the end of the document). You will analyze the following variables in the grades.sav data set: • gender • gpa • total • final Step 1: Write Section 1 of the DAA. • Provide the context of the grades.sav data set. • Include a definition of the specified variables and corresponding scales of measurement. • Indicate the type of correlation for each X, Y pair (Pearson's r, Spearman's r, pointbiserial r, et cetera). • Specify the sample size of the data set. Step 2: Write Section 2 of the DAA. • Test the assumptions of correlation for gpa and final. • Paste the SPSS histogram output for each variable and discuss your visual interpretations. • Paste SPSS descriptives output showing skewness and kurtosis values and interpret them. • Paste SPSS scatter plot output with "gpa" set to the horizontal axis and "final" set to the vertical axis. Conduct a visual inspection of the scatter plot to analyze other assumptions of correlation. • Summarize whether or not the assumptions of correlation are met. Step 3: Write Section 3 of the DAA. • Specify a research question related to gpa and final. • Articulate the null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis. • Specify your alpha level. Step 4: Write Section 4 of the DAA. • Paste the SPSS output of the intercorrelation matrix for all specified variables. o First, report the lowest magnitude correlation in the intercorrelation matrix, including degrees of freedom, correlation coefficient, p value, and effect size. Interpret the effect size. Specify whether or not to reject the null hypothesis for this correlation. o Second, report the highest magnitude correlation in the intercorrelation matrix, including degrees of freedom, correlation coefficient, p value, and effect size. Interpret the effect size. Specify whether or not to reject the null hypothesis for this correlation. o Third, report the correlation between gpa and final, including degrees of freedom, correlation coefficient, p value, and effect size. Interpret the effect size. Analyze the correlation in terms of the null hypothesis. Step 5: Write Section 5 of the DAA. • Discuss the implications of this correlation as it relates to the research question. • Conclude with an analysis of the strengths and limitations of correlational analysis. Submit your DAA Template as an attached Word document in the assignment area.
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