Grantham University Differences of Management and Leadership Discussion

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Business Finance

Grantham University


This week you learned about the differences between management and leadership. Managers and leaders are not inherently different types of people. Many managers possess abilities and qualities to be effective leaders. As well, leadership cannot replace management - it is in addition to management.

Write a paper where you compare and contrast the term management and leadership.

Address the following in your paper:

Provide examples of leadership versus management activities for each of the five areas crucial to organizational performance.




Personal Qualities


Include your own examples, thoughts and experiences in your discussion.

The requirements below must be met for your paper to be accepted and graded:

Write between 750 – 1,250 words (approximately 3 – 5 pages) using Microsoft Word in APA style, see example below.

Use font size 12 and 1” margins.

Include cover page and reference page.

At least 80% of your paper must be original content/writing.

No more than 20% of your content/information may come from references.

Use at least three references from outside the course material, one reference must be from EBSCOhost. Text book, lectures, and other materials in the course may be used, but are not counted toward the three reference requirement.

Cite all reference material (data, dates, graphs, quotes, paraphrased words, values, etc.) in the paper and list on a reference page in APA style.

References must come from sources such as, scholarly journals found in EBSCOhost, CNN, online newspapers such as, The Wall Street Journal, government websites, etc. Sources such as, Wikis, Yahoo Answers, eHow, blogs, etc. are not acceptable for academic writing.

User generated content is uploaded by users for the purposes of learning and should be used following Studypool's honor code & terms of service.

Explanation & Answer



Comparing Management and Leadership
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Comparing Management and Leadership
Leadership refers to the ability of a person to influence and cause motivation to other
people to contribute to making an organization and its members successful. On the other hand,
management entails that function of controlling and directing a group of people or more of its
entities to coordinate and harmonize the group towards goal accomplishment. Leadership also
most times tend to be people-oriented since one works with a group of people and offers them
the necessary direction to accomplish their assignment (Hafford-Letchfield, 2018). On the other
hand, management is task-oriented as the manager tends to deal more will goals and objectives
as far as tasks are concerned. There also tends to be different types of leadership styles including
democratic, autocratic, transactional, transformational, and bureaucratic. To mention just one,
which tends to take more preeminence in the current times, transformational leadership is so
much focused on the people.
The leader shows idealized influence whereby the serve as role models to the people who
follow them. As a leader, I ensure I lay great emphasis on the above as I strive to be trusted,
admired and respected by the people who follow me. Leaders such as Steve Jobs have very high
ethical as well as moral levels of operating and that causes them t...

Really great stuff, couldn't ask for more.


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