Alabama A & M University Workforce Planning Discussion

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Alabama A & M University


I need a response to these to article below. Make sure you respond to both article at least 100 words.

Article 1

The first article to be reviewed specifically covers skilled labor and the difficulty faced with staffing it. As the U.S economy continues to improve, businesses are growing, but that growth is being hampered by lack of skilled labor and inability to retain labor once it has been trained. In his article Zach Mentz (2019) provided by expert witnesses which consisted of executive level members of leading businesses of the aggregate industry. In his article he shares a few of the issues affecting organizations in this industry. Firstly, the panelist discuss that the factors affecting the shortage in skilled labor have little to do with compensation or benefits (2019). They believe that they are offering great packages and good rates, but ultimately it is not a money issue. In terms of attracting talent the underlying issue is an image issue. Society has put a great deal of emphasis on the need for a college degree to be successful, when in fact many people make very comfortable livings off of trade skills. Secondly, retention is the other factor hurting staffing of skilled labor. In the article, Mentz (2019), shows that the panelist are facing difficulty in retaining the skilled labor. Due to there being a lack of interest in skilled labor that means, the quantity of skilled laborers available is small and is highly contentious between manufacturing, construction, and other industries. Once companies take the time, effort, and money into training unskilled labor into skilled labor, they are often times faced with the mentality that this is not something they are interested in pursuing. Next, generational differences are creating a problem in maintaining staffing levels. As the older generation of workers are retiring and phasing out of the workforce, that gap left by Trouble Staffing Skilled Labor and Millennial Employees 3 them is not being picked up by the newer generations (Mentz 2019). Mentz leads the reader to believe that this ties significantly into the image issues described previously. Lastly, the article covers a few of the solutions that are being used to assist with this staffing problem. Examples of these solutions include, revamped employee orientation onboarding to get the employees to buy into the company culture, buying lunches some days as a thank you to the employees, intern programs with high schools to address the image problem, and looking into veteran hiring programs (Mentz 2019). Mentz makes it clear that there is no single solution to this problem.

Mentz, Z. (2019). Staffing Solutions. Pit & Quarry, 111(8), 82. Retrieved from

Article 2

Staffing issues are prevalent in almost every career field out there.Some are more problematic than others due to the type of work and the skill set needed to efficiently perform the job.I researched two different articles for this discussion question.The first article is about problems with undocumented immigration workers (Lisa Nagele-Piazza, 2019) and the other about recruitment and selection challenges in private and public organizations (Marie-France Waxin, 2018).Both topics are prevalent issues for most employers and deserve addressing.

Immigration has been a hot topic for the last several years.It especially began to be in the limelight once President Trump took office.ICE has been in the news many times with a lot of controversy surrounding it.In Mississippi, there have been several chicken processing plants that have come under fire due to allegedly hiring undocumented workers, over 680 workers were let go.One way the employees at the chicken processing plants are vetted is through the E-Verify system that is supposed to check for illegal immigrants.However, the E-Verify system cannot tell if the worker used fake credentials because it only checks the names, Social Security numbers and other information presented by the worker, (Lisa Nagele-Piazza, 2019).Because of this, the chicken processing plants are arguing that they never new they had hired undocumented workers.They are facing large fines if convicted of knowingly hiring undocumented workers.It is the managers and the Human Resource departments responsibility to make sure that each worker is properly vetted with the correct, legal credentials to be hired and allowed to work.The chicken processing plant held a job fair in order to replace the 680 workers they had to let go, but only about 100 people showed up.With only 100 people showing up to replace the 680, there are not enough workers to replace all those that lost their jobs.This is going to cause a large staffing issue for the processing plants.

Lisa Nagele-Piazza. (2019, Aug 19). SHRM. Retrieved from Better Workplaces Better World:

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Explanation & Answer

Here you go! Let me know if you have any questions. Have a good night! 😃

1. I think that the gaps between skilled labor and unskilled labor must vary significantly
from place to place. I have actually read far more about the increase in people seeking
skilled positions harming the amount of people available to fill unskilled labor positions,
so I found it int...

Very useful material for studying!


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