Liberty University Traumatic Brain Injury Paper

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Liberty University


What concept of brain functioning or neurobiological aspect of trauma had the greatest impact on you this week as you read through Julie Uhernick's, Using Neuroscience in Trauma Therapy? Understanding the "Trauma Brain" and the myriad of consequences facing the brain as it is impacted by trauma is essential foundationally for doing good trauma therapy. Please take the time to elaborate on the topic you choose and be sure to use at least two outside sources in addition to appropriate scripture. Additionally, remember that your DB post is to be a minimum of 800 words.

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Traumatic Brain Injury
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Trauma Brain
It is proper to note that having a proper understanding of ‘Trauma Brain’ as well as the
myriad of consequences facing the brain as it is impacted by trauma is significant, especially
when it comes to doing good trauma therapy. Most of the time, traumatic brain injury takes place
when there is an intense blow or jolt to the skull or even body. Again, anything that enters brain
tissue, for instance, a bullet or even shattered piece of the skull can also result in trauma in the
brain (Graham, et al., 1995). Minor brain trauma may disturb a person’s brain cells momentarily.
However, it is of great significance to note that when there is a more-serious traumatic brain
injury, these may lead to torn tissues, bruising as well as other physical harm to the brain. They
are injuries that usually lead to long-term difficulties or even death.
It is worth noting that several parts of the brain are significant when it comes to
understanding how the brain as well as the body function during trauma. Some of these parts
include th...

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