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Management 317



Deliverables for this assignment are:1. major milestones for your company (see below) 2. projection of financial performance (see below)

At this point in the business plan we are still moving towards the back-end by providingMajor Milestonesof your business venture. This segment of your business plan is crucial in securing funding by enhancing your selling effort of your new venture to perspective investors, including banks. It presents the major milestones that your business is committed to achieving with the specific round of financing. This needs only be a page featuring a task list with key dates. We also like to see a sentence or two on how to mitigate the risk of these key milestones at the bottom of the page (Meyer, & Crane, 2014). (1 page)

Projecting the financial performance and requirements for the venture is related to the major milestones. It is necessary to translate your business model (developed in PA1) into actual numbers by projecting revenues, expenses, operating profit, income, expenses, cash flows, capital investments, and related startup costs. It is important to ensure that these projections are in alignment with your business model and related strategies to compete as a new business venture. Stated in another way, it is imperative that you develop meaningful financial projections and offer different approaches for financing your new venture and for analyzing costs, expenses, and profits. Please follow chapter 9carefully so that you consider all aspects of projecting financial performance.(3 pages ). Give In text citations and peer reviewed references at least seven (7).

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Running head: PACOT HOMECARE


PacoT Homecare
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Question 1
Major Milestones for the Company
Milestone 1: Establishing a Business Model
The established business model is profitable, and the elements are the targeted clients,
value proposition, and the delivery of the products and services. The target market for the
business model is the elderly members of society in society living in the state of California. The
age for clients targeted by PacoT Homecare business venture is older people aged 65 years and
above. To ensure value, at PacoT Homecare, the anticipated clients will pay for the services
using credit cards or mobile payment services. The business venture will provide high-quality
home care services at an affordable price to the consumers.
Milestone 2: Developing a Marketing Strategy
Both Brand recognition and reputation are crucial in ensuring the business venture goals
ate achieved, and for this reason, the marketing strategy will be a top priority during the first
year. Smart marketing will be adopted to actively bring the new business into operations and
engage with new customers (Finch, 2006). The marketing strategy will entail the use of ads via
the internet, social media networks, and a company’s website (Beirao et al., 2016). The online
platform will account for 80% of the advertisement media, and 20% will be achieved using
messages and emails as well as word of mouth.
Milestone 3: Maintaining Customer Loyalty
Customer loyalty is imperative to ensure that the business venture achieves success. This
milestone will be achieved by providing affordable, quality, and excellent products and services
to targeted consumers. Through customer care, the business venture will aim at building



relationships with customers to promote growth and stability. Thus, an understanding of
customers’ needs and dedication are crucial to the provision of real solutions.
Milestone 4: Hire Staff
The company will hire staff for sales and...

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