WK10 Finding and Linking your LinkedIn URL

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Week 10 Assignment: Final Portfolio Submission

Click here to submit your final Professional Portfolio.

You may submit the final portfolio in one of three ways:

  1. LinkedIn
  2. PowerPoint presentation
  3. MS Word document

Important: Incorporate all feedback from your instructor on each portfolio item. Additionally, consider and revise per peer review suggestions in last week's discussion.

  • For PowerPoint presentations or Word documents, upload as an attachment here in the assignment area.
  • For LinkedIn submissions, provide the link (review the instructions below or review the "Finding and Linking your LinkedIn URL" PDF document (provided in the link below).
    • Submit the URL link to your LinkedIn profile here to the assignment area for evaluation.
    • To get the URL, you must:
    1. Click the arrow under your picture that says "Me" in the top-right corner of LinkedIn.
    2. Click the blue link that says view profile.
    3. Click edit your public profile on the right side of the screen.
    4. This will show your assigned LinkedIn URL. You may edit it if you like.
    5. It is recommended that you also include this URL on your resume/CV once your profile is complete.
  • Review the rubric for more information on how your portfolio will be graded.

I want for this a Power point presentation

I will submit to you all the papers and you put it all together in a power point

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PS: I will mark all the question as complete as I am not sure if you are online to extend the deadline for the o...

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