1&2 in different docs with apa references and citations

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1)After reading through Chapter 1, please answer the following question:

Q1: In chapter1, the focus was on targeting five communities that make up the core field for ICT-enabled policy-making.  Name those five communities involved, and briefly explain to support your answer?

2)After reading through Chapter 2 & 3, please answer the following question:

Q2: In the chapters, both the authors, (Ahrweiler, P., and Gilbert, N.) suggested that there was a need for quality simulation modeling education.  In addition, the authors identified two types of public servants that need this education.  Name the two types of public servants, and briefly explain why it’s important for these two types of servants to receive this education? 

Explanation & Answer:
2 Questions
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Explanation & Answer

Hi✋ find attached., there are two files.. I have done my level best, but Kindly let me know in case you need me to address anything.. thanks buddy..

Running head: ASSIGNMENT


Assignment: Chapter 2&3 Question



Assignment: Chapter 2&3 Q2
Ahrweiler and Gilbert (2015) examines the importance of quality simulation model.
Precisely, developing a model is based on different assumption, and the model can only be as
good as the developer. Two primary types of public servants should be educated in order to have
quality simulation modelling; this include, the savvy manager and policy informatics analyst.
These two practitioners require a great level of technical mastery of analytics skills and
approaches (Janssen et al., 2015). The savvy manager, in particular, takes roles relative to policy
informatics project and platforms. These roles are essential in stimulating and implementing
informatics initiatives for an organiza...

Awesome! Perfect study aid.


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