CS4445 Jiangsu University of Technology Data movement in the TCP IP model Project

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Computer Science


Jiangsu University of Technology


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Explanation & Answer

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Surname 1

Data movement in the TCP/IP model
For one to build communication of data between two or more network systems, and
interface each of these to the web, a particular language and communication methods are set up
by what is known as the OSI Model of the five steps. This procedure fills in as a standard for
every class of work, separated into areas known as layers. This is done to sort out work into
explicit segments while encouraging transmission and investigating of communication of data.
The TCP/IP and the OSI Model
The TCP/IP in full refers to the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol model
and is a concise OSI model version. In short, it is the OSI model but a bit condensed since it
reduces the seven layers of the OSI model to only four layers. These layers include application
layer, transport layer, internet layer, and network access which is also known as the link-layer
(Panko & Panko 257). The present 5-layer OSI model is an exemplification of the TCP/IP;
whereas the User Datagram Protocol is additionally attended to by the OSI model. The most
current version of the past 7-layer model was this way supplanted by the more up to date, and
increasingly improved, 5-layer model. Some allude to this more up to date model as the TCP
Model. A point by point diagram of the 5-layer model is demonstrated as follows:

Surname 2

Procedure and

Oversees how two applications interact among
themselves, even from various vending companies
(for example Netscape, IE, Firefox, and so on.)





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