KarVin divas replies -- I need to reply to 2 of my classmates

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Campbellsville University


I have attached the document with 2 discussions, I need to reply to each one of them in 250 words each. APA format and references

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Gejo Franklin - Saturday, 31 August 2019, 1:00 AM Something that may happen outside the realm of operations that may affect the organization in any way is always something to look out for, to avoid this situation we always need to keep a backup plan and that is known as a contingency plan. It helps to deal with unusual events that may occur with end-users being not so cautious about the threats that await them. So endusers should always be involved in a contingency plan. End-users play a very important role to structure the behavior of any organization at times of issues relating the present situations, they recapitalize the other way. Conceivable hazard includes dangers and vulnerabilities of controls and interruption, aside from that there are a few lingering dangers required with end client incorporation. One of the major cases of an organization with end-users contingency planning are Amazon Web services. They have a very huge database and holds crucial information. Constant security checks are being run through the database to keep it away from any breach but again if there is a breach the system shuts down and the end-users implement the contingency plan in order to recover all the data. However, if the end-user has access to a contingency, there are some drawbacks; some organizations have in the contingency plan. Some end users do not respond at the right time when disaster strikes; this leaves a lot of business risk. Reference Diane Chinn;,( 2019); The purpose of Contingency planning; Retrived From https://smallbusiness.chron.com/purpose-contingency-planning24864.html Mahmoud, M., Liu, Y., Hartmann, H., Stewart, S., Wagener, T., Semmens, D., ... & Hulse, D. (2009). A formal framework for scenario development in support of environmental decision-making. Environmental Modelling & Software, 24(7), 798-808. Mounika Vattikonda - Saturday, 31 August 2019, 12:12 AM Contingency Planning Contingency planning is first stage to develop the product and control the activities. Contingency Planning is designed for to take action to help on organizational growth for future planning Product. It examine the role and setting the priorities contingency planning but IT is very crucial to maintain their operations. Australia organization has fallow this contingency planning, to develop this organization product implementation, development, training business planning. The senior management and employees in the organization characterize the business process inside and outside (Lindstrom.j).End user plays crucial role in contingency planning, end user is person to take care of the entire contingency planning and responsibility to meet the organizational goals. Contingency plan is the best one to reach all goals and also they can respond quickly which is not unplanned(disaster). Along with other side there is some disadvantages involved in contingency plan, some times they were failed to design tools and application of contingency plan. Sometimes organization has been taken as second options so end users shows less interest on business calls finally it was affected on business process and they are not taking responsibility of organization towards the contingency planning. they have some security issues to maintain contingency planning for securely.
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Contingency Planning
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Hi Gejo,
Great post! I agree with you on that contingency planning plays a key role in dealing with
risks that may with end-seeds not anticipating for the risks. Contingency planning is often meant
for future use as it enables organizations to make plans on emergencies that may arise in the
future. Business organizations need to create an effective contingency plan in order for them to
solve future problems when an emergency arises and bounce back to their normal situation.
However, the process of preparing an effective contingency plan is time-consuming that requires
a lot of patience and commitment in the activity. ("Contingency Planning: Developing a Good
'Plan B'," 2018) Contingency planning supports essential requirements by creating strategies,
processes and practical methods of enhan...

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