Methodist University Chapter 2 Families in Our Kids Discussion

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methodist university


Sociology 1510 - This is the cover of the book were readingOur Kids 1st edition 9781476769905 1476769907

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Putnam Ch. 2

Read Ch. 2 Families in "Our Kids" by Putnam. Due 9/6 by 11:00 am.

In 2 double-spaced pages,

A) Identify 2 important findings or main points the author discusses in the reading,

B) Why are these two findings important to the wider society as a whole/what are the implications of these findings?

C) One concept you’d like to question the author about or would like to know more about.

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Explanation & Answer

here you go hun

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Chapter 2 By Putnam
Chapter 2 By Putnam
This chapter relates to the structures of a family concerning the social faults whereas the
culture is driven by the growing economic divisions. Putnam continues this chapter with various
short stories that exemplify the characters beginning with a privileged son who is from elite
family background. The parents of Andrew rose above the economic challenges while enabling
Andrew and his sister to become more prosperous while enjoying their lives made of wealth
(Putnam 54). The chapter moves into portraying the life of Kayla. Kayla is depicted as a child
growing up in a family who wasn’t so wealthy. Her st...

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