7. Read the given chapters to answer 2 pages Critical thinking questions

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Abdill Career College



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Critical Thinking Questions Chapters 2,3 & 4 Tools For Mindful Living Submit Assignment Due Sunday by 11:59pm Points 6 Submitting a text entry box or a file upload Critical Thinking Questions Please answer the following 3 questions from Tools For Mindful Living Chapters 2,3& 4 and submit. 1. Explain each of the 4 steps involved in the MAC Model and provide an example for each of the steps. Please use complete sentences 2. What happens in the body physically and psychologically (emotions) when it is in sympathetic vs parasympathetic. Please be detailed and use complete sentences. 3. Chapter 4 talks about 3 different types of breath work - what was your favorite and why? Please use complete sentences.
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Explanation & Answer:
2 pages
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Explanation & Answer



Critical Thinking Question
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Question 1

The MAC model is a combination of mindfulness acceptance techniques as well as
exercises. The four steps of MAC guide model include; empathetically acknowledgment,
attention, acceptance, and choosing how to define your experience. The first step is an
empathetic acknowledgment, which requires us to acknowledge each experience in our lives just
the way they are without the temptation of changing a thing. For examples when we experience a
good event such as a wedding we are bound to love the experience, but in situations of funerals
we want ...

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